The 2012 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida

Student Intervention Services - School Based Teams
Response to Intervention/School Based Teams (RtI/SBT)
The Response to Intervention/School Based Team (RtI/SBT) are multi-disciplinaryteams of educators, parents and community agencies dedicated to addressing and matching student academic, behavioral, social, and emotional needs with evidence based interventions. The RtI/SBT received over 7,249 student referrals district-wide for the 2011-2012 school year. The average number of intervention plans written totaled 6,433 with over 3,744 students reported as improving their grades, behavior and/or attendance. These numbers are based on 103 schools reporting as of July 1, 2012.

The SBT consistently works to identify at risk students and monitor their performance in all areas. Administration is very supportive. The District team is available with help and support.
SBT Leader at an Elementary School