The Statewide Online Tobacco Prevention and Intervention Teacher Training Project was created in the 2010-2011 school year based on findings and recommendations from the School District’s course for Palm Beach County teachers. The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) stated, “as a leader in Florida with establishing online tobacco prevention teacher training, Palm Beach County has laid the foundation to create a statewide online component in support of the funding priorities.” Therefore, in June 2010, the FLDOE asked The School District of Palm Beach County to offer a “Statewide Online Tobacco Prevention and Intervention Teacher Training” course to all 67 school districts in the State of Florida. After teachers complete the content portion of the course, they are provided grade appropriate lessons in three core topic areas: Health Effects, Refusal Skills, and Media Literacy. They are then required to teach 6 lessons, 2 under each of the core topic areas. They can receive up to 60 in-service points once they have completed the course, including teaching the lessons.
Significant efforts have been made to increase the rigor and content of this course. Where it once provided about 40 content items over nine topics, it now introduces more than 140 content items over fourteen topics. More evaluations have been added through dialog forums, activity assignments, and quizzes. Additional lessons are being created to provide more options for teachers to introduce tobacco prevention in the classrooms.
During the 2011-2012 school year over 900 teachers registered. The program reached over 15,000 students across the state. Fifty-four of the sixty-seven district participated. This was also the first year that permitted private school teachers to participate.
An effort to reach more teachers while providing resources for those that have completed this course has resulted in a five-part solution: updated website, blog, Facebook page, Twitter and YouTube. The improvements will provide ongoing opportunities for all teachers across the state to use current information, web links, multimedia and dialog to keep tobacco prevention alive in their classrooms. A Facebook page not only allows networking with other agencies and educators, but also provides an input arena for anyone involved in tobacco prevention. A blog is being maintained to create provoking stories about tobacco prevention today. This medium encourages discussion among our educators. Both of these are integrated with Twitter for micro-blogging and to integrate with other valuable resources. Our new YouTube Channel is preparing for a statewide PSA (public service announcement) contest for our SWAT clubs. All of this is integrated for a very comprehensive marketing and support program.
Statewide Online Tobacco Prevention & Intervention Teacher Training
Forthcoming on August 6, 2012 - June 11, 2013