The Teen Parent Program (TAP) is a voluntary program that offers pregnant and parenting teens the opportunity to become responsible parents and complete requirements for graduation while receiving support services including child care, transportation and referrals to health and social services. TAP is offered at comprehensive high schools, alternative schools, and some charter schools.
All participants in TAP must take at least one parenting course while continuing to earn credits toward graduation. Student may also access the parenting course through Palm Beach Virtual School. Students who have passed the parenting course are eligible for subsidized child care services in community settings, funded by The School District of Palm Beach County. There were 26 middle school students and 382 high school students served in 2011-2012, which is a reduction from the previous school year.
Together our Teens Succeed (TOTS) is a collaborative project between The School District of Palm Beach County, the Health Care District of Palm Beach County (HCD), and the Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD). The project provides a comprehensive, school-based approach to working with pregnancy and parenting teens. Students at the following schools worked with a multi-disciplinary team who supported the student through the pregnancy and then provided support upon the return to school:
- default_titleGlades Central High Community High
- default_titleBoynton Beach Community High
- default_titleJohn I. Leonard High
- default_titlePalm Beach Lakes Community High
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The purpose of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy was to focus the attention of teens on the importance of avoiding too-early pregnancy and parenthood through an interactive quiz. Although teen pregnancy rates in Palm Beach County continue to drop, with 1,010 births to teenagers age 15-19 in 2010, much education is needed to continue this downward trend. For the third year, The School District of Palm Beach County, along with the support of PBCHD, Planned Parenthood, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Palm Beach County Inc., Children’s Service Council and the HCD bring attention to The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy during the month of May. Children’s Service Council held teen focus groups and developed marketing materials that were distributed to schools and community agencies. There were 3,836 students who went to the website and took the quiz. Palm Beach Lakes Community High, Boynton Beach Community High, and Okeeheelee Middle schools provided student events highlighting this important campaign. Reggie D. from radio 102.3 produced a Public Service Announcement (PSA) along with a news clip on The Education Network (TEN) in addition, many local television and radio announcements were aired.
“3 in 10 girls in the U.S. will get pregnant at least once before age 20.” (The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, March 2010)
“About 66% of teens who have had sex wish they had waited.” (Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2011)