Page 31 - COVID Guiding Document
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A           APPENDIX

                         Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                                                                                  How can I access other helpful information that
                      What do schools look like now that campuses are                                                             is important to the start of the school year?

                      reopened and students have returned to classrooms?

                                                                                                             ✓    Need to find your child’s student ID?
            ✓   There are additional markings on hallway floors, posters and

                other signage, designation of hand sanitizing stations / hand-                                      • Watch the following tutorial video for instructions.

                                                                                                             ✓    Need to update your contact information so you can get
            ✓   Schools will use controlled movement patterns, social                                             important messages from your child’s school?

                distancing procedures, and the implementation of District                                           • Watch the following tutorial video for instructions.

                safety guidelines such as hand sanitizing, hand-washing, and

                cleaning of workstations and frequently touched surfaces in                                  ✓    Want information on School Meals available during

                their classrooms.                                                                                 distance learning?

            ✓     For additional information, go to Reopening Schools.                                          • Go to PBC Feeding Sites or call (561) 969-5840.

                                                                                                             ✓    For additional information and resources, go to Distance
                        How do I register my student for school if they are new                                   Learning - Information & Resources.

                        to the District?

                                                                                                             ✓    Please visit our page of Frequently Asked Questions.
           ✓   Go to and click “Find My School” in the


           ✓   Type in your address and the zoned school will populate.

           ✓   Click on “Registration” and contact the school.

        For more assistance, additional resources and information can be
        found at Need to Register for School?

        School District of Palm Beach County                                                                                                                                             PAGE 31
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