Page 30 - COVID Guiding Document
P. 30

Back to School Risk Reduction Strategies

       Modified Transportation

         Transportation Teams: These procedures must be a joint education effort between families and school personnel.

              • Student Registration is available for bus transportation in the Make Your Choice

                registration process.

              • Students will be encouraged to maintain social distancing while at the bus stop and

                throughout the bus ride (if possible).

              • Attendance will be taken daily.  Students not in attendance for 2 consecutive days may

                need to re-register for the school bus.

              • Students will be assigned seats based on their stop order during pick up/drop off. Seats

                will be assigned starting from back of the bus to the front of the bus to ensure social


              • Students must wear facial coverings while riding the bus.

              • The Transportation Team, in conjunction with the driver, will establish seating charts with

                social distancing in mind to the best of their ability.

              • Although the CDC recommends cleaning buses once a day, our District will sanitize

                buses between each route and drivers will sanitize high touch surfaces on vehicles

                between routes.

              • Buses will be sanitized using an electrostatic sprayer biweekly.

              • Regular routes will be followed and adjustments made as needed for actual ridership.

              • The District will deploy 50 buses equipped with WiFi to increase connectivity in select

                neighborhoods, when feasible.

        School District of Palm Beach County                                                                                                                                             PAGE 30
        ICSP Updated 2/9/21
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