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                                              MOBILE APPLICATIONS

                                                                  In an effort to modernize and enhance mobility within
                                                                  our District’s current TRIRIGA ecosystem, the Enterprise
                                                                  Applications IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management
                                                                  System)  team  diligently  worked  on  providing  a  suite
                                                                  of new tools and capabilities tailored for maintenance
                                                                  technicians,  service  reps,  and  managers.  The  most
                                                                  ambitious  project over the last year has been  the
                                                                  development and deployment  of  a  mobile application
                                                                  named the Work Task App.

                                                                  This application plays a crucial role in the Operations
                                                                  Division’s  Maintenance  and  Plant  Operations  (M&PO)
                                                                  department,  allowing  technicians  not  only  to  view
                                                                  assigned  work  tasks  but  also  to  efficiently  manage
                                                                  time entries, attach comments, input off time, and view
                                                                  timesheets, all from the convenience of a mobile phone.
                                                                  The aim is to enhance the accuracy and speed of time
                                                                  entries in TRIRIGA while improving the efficiency of the
                                                                  work task lifecycle.

                                                                  In conjunction with the M&PO department, the IWMS team
                                                                  is in the final stages of onboarding and training over 200
                                                                  maintenance technicians on the usage of the new Work
                                                                  Task App.  With  the  successful  rollout,  we  recognized
                                                                  the need to modernize tools for viewing and managing
                                                                  timesheets. To address this, a new Timesheet Manager
                                                                  web app was developed, seamlessly integrated with the
                                                                  TRIRIGA desktop experience. This enhancement allows
                                                                  service reps and managers to quickly view time entries
                                                                  and associated work tasks, significantly improving the
                                                                  overall user experience of managing timesheets.

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