Page 21 - TIME Newsletter 2018 in Review
P. 21


     the benefit of a rigorous application   help interns take the next step       Our intern program has been
     process including online application,   toward technology careers. Source     honored with regional and national
     resume preparation, references, and    material for this hour-long class was   awards and nominations, and
     face-to-face interviews for nearly 100   developed from, among other things,  this year was no exception. Intern
     applicants.                            an employee survey where staff         Program Coordinator George
                                            offered valuable personal guidance     Solli represented the District at a
     All four IT departments participated;   as well as research conducted at two  spectacular awards ceremony in
     with the newest addition, the Project   college campuses.                     Dubai for an International Project
     Management Office selecting two                                               Management award. While we didn’t
     interns to train. New features to the   IT, encouraged by leadership, shared  win, the program was well-received
     program included a redesigned          previous experience and lesson         and provided some additional
     logo and shirt, with help from in-     learned on running internships to six   exposure for this valuable program.
     house graphic artist, Adam Fiveson.    other departments at FHESC.  All       We’re already making plans for next
     A new briefing, “How to Get an         had similarly positive experiences     year’s program to be the best ever!
     IT Education,” was designed to         and plan to repeat next year.
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