Page 22 - TIME Newsletter 2018 in Review
P. 22

Take Your Child to Work Day!

                                            The Division of Information Technology (IT) hosted the “Take Your Child to
                                            Work Day!” on February 2, 2018. The purpose of this event is to encourage
                                            and inspire our children to start thinking about their future aspirations, and
                                            more importantly - their dreams. This year was a memorable day mixed with
                                            fun and educational experiences!

                                            Over 20 kids joined our team and had the opportunity to spend some time
                                            with their parents learning about what they do on a typical work day. They
                                            participated on a tour of our Data Center where they learned about data
                                            storage, mainframe, and their favorite one - report card printing!

                                            They had the chance to meet “Tango and Kash”, two of our K9 dogs.
                                            The kids interacted with the dogs while asking our School Police Officers
                                            questions about their day-to-day jobs. The day concluded with an award
                                            ceremony where the children had the opportunity to meet our CIO, Deepak
                                            Agarwal, and IT Directors. They all received a “Certificate of Participation”
                                            thanking them for their participation in the Take your Child to Work Day!

                                            We would like to thank everyone who helped make the IT Take your Child to
                                            Work Day a resounding success!

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