Page 26 - TIME Newsletter 2018 in Review
P. 26

Congratulations Graduate Jareem Gamble!

                                            On August 6, 2018, Jareem Gamble graduated from FAU with a
                                            Bachelor’s Degree.  Congratulations Jareem! We look forward to
                                            putting all your knowledge and wisdom to work to benefit our
                                            students, teachers, and schools!  Jareem is a member of IT
                                            Enterprise Applications’ Business Apps Team.


                                            Fwd: Department Survey Results
                                            Deepak Agarwal <>
                                            Jul 23, 2018, 5:28 PM
                                            to Chris, David, Dawn, me, Natasha

                                            What a news I got today.

                                            So proud. IT is the top of all departments....And Chris’s
                                            technical operations is top in all IT departments.

                                            Kudos to all of you. You all made me feel so proud.

                                            We are a great team..keep up the great work.



                                            Deepak Agarwal
                                            Chief Information Officer


                                            From: Alex Toro <>
                                            Date: Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 12:27 PM
                                            Subject: Thank you for your expertise and professionalism.
                                            To: Jeancarlos Abreu <>
                                            Cc: Fabio RINCON <>,
                                            Benjamin Freedman <>,
                                            Mike Persaud <>, Eddy Faubla
                                            <>, Allison Monbleau <allison.
                                  >, Magdalena Prieto <magdalena.

                                            Dear Fabio,
                                            I wanted to give thanks for all of Jeancarlos Abreu’s expertise
                                            in helping us with creating the shortcuts using Landesk. He
                                            was patient and informative in showing us how to create the
                                            shortcut to run in IE. He saved School Food Service a lot of
                                            time by helping us mitigate the amount of calls due to Chrome
                                            being the default browser.

                                            We appreciate all of your team’s support.

                                                        Do you have Kudos you’d like to share?

                                                                      Forward them to:


                                            From: Marine McGuire <>
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