Page 10 - 2025-2026 Booklet 11.20.24
P. 10


         For additional information regarding Admission and Audition     · Applicants may apply to a full choice school as a first choice
         Guidelines, visit the individual school site:             selection regardless if the program is also offered at their zoned
                                                                   school. See section below on Full Choice Schools for more
              · Bak Middle School of the Arts:                     information.
              · The Conservatory School @ North Palm Beach:     Eligibility of Applicants
        In order to be considered eligible for the lottery, applicants must
              · A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts:               meet specific criteria:
                            · All applicants must meet age and residency requirements.
              · Boynton Beach Community High School (Arts programs):    · Applicants must meet program eligiblity criteria outlined on page
                7-8 to be considered in the lottery.
              · West Boca Raton Community High School (Arts programs)     · Applicants applying to programs requiring completion of math
              prerequisite coursework must provide verification of current
         Parents/guardians who believe their child was not allowed an   enrollment and/or completion by the school's published deadline
         equitable opportunity to a Choice program during the audition or   dates. Contact the school directly for additional information.
         eligibility process as a result of a technical problem or inequity, may     · Higher audition scores and/or eligiblity requirements may be
         request an appeal.                                        required for ascending grade levels.
         An application for an appeal of Choice program eligibility     · If a student is determined ineligible for their first choice selection,
         must be submitted within five (5) school days of the audition   the second Choice program selection on the application does not
         date to the Director of Choice and Career Options.  Click here   move to the first choice preference.
         to  download  the  Choice  Program  Application  for  Appeal.     · Students may not apply to a Choice program at the same school
                                                                   where they are currently on probation.
         Available Seats in Choice Programs                        · If a student is exited from a Choice program, they may not
         The greatest number of available seats at each school is for students   apply to any Choice program at the exited school in any future
                                                                   application cycle.
         entering grades kindergarten (K), six (6), or nine (9). The Choice
         booklet provides a range of available seats for each program. These   GPA Calculations for Eligibility
         numbers are not a guarantee of the number of available seats for     · Incoming 9  grade applicants: GPA is calculated using the
         the 2025–2026 Choice lottery as they are impacted by changing real   average of all classes  for the 4th quarter of grade 7 and the 1 &
         estate markets, projected enrollment and/or boundary changes.  2  quarters of grade 8.
                                                                   · Incoming 10 –12  grade applicants: GPA will be based on
         Due to factors impacting school enrollment, scheduling, course   student’s earned GPA at the time of eligibility determination.
         progression, and staffing, Choice seats may not be allocated or     · GPA calculations for any private middle school (grades 6–8)
         available in all grade levels.                            applicants on trimester schedules will be accommodated prior to
                                                                   the release of the lottery results.
         Choice Program Selections                                 · Parents/guardians are responsible for submitting report cards or
         One application with a maximum of two programs, per student, may   transcripts in order for the program eligibilty to be determined.
         be submitted. Applicants rank choices in order of preference. First
         and second choices do not have equal chances of being selected.   Full Choice Schools
         Selection of a second choice does not decrease a student’s chance   Full choice schools are schools do not have an attendance boundary.
         of being assigned to their first choice. Application changes will be   All students attending a full choice school have been assigned
         allowed and before the published deadline dates.       through the Choice application and lottery selection process.
            · Choices may be any combination of programs or schools.  All grade appropriate applicants may apply to the following full
            · Programs with limited numbers of available seats may not have   Choice  schools: Morikami Park  Elementary  School, Northboro
           any second choice students assigned in the lottery.  Elementary School, Poinciana Elementary School, S.D. Spady
            · Applications with an audition–based program selection may not   Elementary School, Bak Middle School of the Arts,  Don Estridge
           be changed after the earlier deadline date of December 6, 2024.   High Tech Middle School, A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts, Suncoast
         Duplicate Programs                                     High School, and Village Academy.
         If the student is applying for a Choice program that is offered at their   All grade appropriate applicants may also apply to the 6-8 Choice
         zoned school, the zoned school program must be listed as the first   programs offered at the following K-8 schools: Addison Mizner
         choice, with limited exceptions:                       School, Dwight D. Eisenhower K-8, Hidden Oaks K-8, North Grade
                                                                K-8, Plumosa K-8, The Conservatory School  @ North Palm Beach,
            · Students who are zoned to attend a school that has a current   and Verde K-8.
           enrollment of 95% or more, will be able to apply to a ‘like’
           program that is being offered at another school.

                                                   EDUCATE · AFFIRM · INSPIRE
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