Page 8 - 2025-2026 Booklet 11.20.24
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About Choice Programs Application Deadlines for SY 2025–2026
To learn more about the Choice programs available in Palm Beach December 6, 2024*: Application deadline if either of the two
County: choices is one of the following Arts schools:
· Visit the Department of Choice and Career Options website at · Bak Middle School of the Arts — Communications, Dance, Music (Band, Keyboard/Piano, Orchestral/Strings, Vocal), Theatre,
· Explore the Choice options and submit your application at Visual Arts · The Conservatory School @ North Palm Beach — Music—Band
· Explore all programs at the virtual Showcase of Schools and Music—Orchestral Strings
webpage at · A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts — Communications, Dance,
· View school websites and attend their Open House Digital Media, Music (Band, Keyboard/Piano, Strings, Vocal),
· Email questions to Theatre (Acting, Musical, Technical), and Visual Arts
· For detailed information regarding the Choice process, visit · Boynton Beach Community High School — Dance, Digital Media, Music—Band, Music—Vocal, Theatre, and Visual Arts
· West Boca Raton Community High School — Dance, Digital
Choice and Career Academy Programs Media, Music—Band, Music—Vocal, and Theatre (Acting,
Families with students entering Pre–Kindergarten through Grade Musical, Technical)
12 have the opportunity to choose from an array of theme–based
curricula offerings at the elementary, middle, and high school January 31, 2025*: Application deadline for all Choice programs
levels that provide innovative and rigorous academic instruction by other than the Arts programs listed above.
specially trained teachers. Students may apply for one or two Choice Late applications will be accepted during published dates.
or Career Academy programs with available space. Selection for
placement is made in the spring of each year via a lottery process. All late applications must be submitted online. *The Choice
Transportation is provided only for designated transportation zones. application deadline date(s) may be subject to change as a result of
These programs provide students with a pathway to postsecondary unforeseen conditions including, but not limited to: District/school
education and careers. closings, delay in school district daily operations, changes in school
calendar, holidays, testing, etc. Updated deadline dates will be
Choice Programs published.
Choice programs include the K–12 Arts continuum, K–12 International
Baccalaureate continuum, K–12 Dual Language continuum, Application Options for In–House and Choice
elementary and secondary Cambridge Academy programs, STEM Programs
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs at all
levels, elementary Montessori, STEAM (STEM + Arts), Environmental In-House Programs
and Animal Science, and Health and Wellness programs.
Programs designated as "In–House" are available only to students
Career Academy Programs—Preparation for who are zoned to attend the school with that program. Applications
Targeted Industries to In–House programs are highly encouraged because they increase
the probability of student assignment to the program. Students who
As you work with your child on making the best educational choices are assigned to an in-house program may not continue if they move
and career planning, please visit the FLDOE website and utilize out of the attendance zone.
the interest inventories available. This link provides free career and
education planning tools that will assist your student in choosing an Choice Programs
educational pathway that aligns with their career of choice. Please Programs designated as "Choice" are available to all students,
have your student access the information on this link and take regardless of attendance zone. If the student is applying for a Choice
advantage of the resources available. Students should also make program that is offered at his/her zoned school, the zoned school
an appointment to speak with their school counselor for further program may be listed as the first choice. Students who are assigned
assistance as they decide on applying for a Choice program. to a Choice program as an in-boundary student may not continue if
they move out of the attendance zone.
Targeted Industries
The Palm Beach County School District is preparing students for Diversity of Programs
careers in a variety of targeted sectors as aligned with the county's All school–aged students are eligible to apply for a Choice program.
economic development and workforce needs. As your student plans ESE, ELL and 504 students are encouraged to apply to a Choice
their career path, they may wish to consider programs in targeted program. If assigned to the school, an ESE team will convene to
industries such as Aviation/Aerospace/Engineering, Information ensure the student’s needs can be supported at the assigned school.
Technology/Telecommunications, and Healthcare. All of these areas
offer a multitude of career opportunities for high–skill, high–wage