Page 11 - 2025-2026 Booklet 11.20.24
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Home Education Students member. The applicant must be claimed as a dependent on the
Eligible Home Education students must be full–time residents of Palm Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). Parents/
Beach County. In order to determine eligibility for many programs, legal guardians in the Reserve or National Guard and/or placed on
Home Education student’s report cards, transcripts and/or portfolios active duty for annual training requirements will not be provided
must be submitted to the applicant's school(s) for determination a preference in the Choice lottery. Official orders showing current
of eligibility, no later than January 31, 2025. The eligibility active duty status and proof of dependency such as the student's
documentation may also be uploaded to the online application military ID card must be uploaded with the application submission.
through January 31, 2025. Contact the Choice Coordinator at the The random lottery selection process will assign students with this
school(s) for more information or e–mail Home Ed questions to preference. The number of students assigned will not exceed the to return at a later time. allocated seats available for the program.
Leave of Absence from a Choice Program IB*/IB MYP Continuum Choice applicants for the high school
continuation of the IB*/IB MYP program who have satisfactorily
Students unable or unwilling to participate full time in the program completed grades 7 and 8 (MYP Levels 2 and 3) and who meet the
they were assigned may not be granted a leave of absence. Students IB eligibility requirements will be assigned to the partner high school
who voluntarily withdraw from a school or program will not be able MYP as indicated, below. The number of students assigned will not
to return at a later time. If assigned, delayed entry is not permitted. exceed the allocated seats available for the program.
Lottery Selection Process Carver MS > Atlantic HS
The 2025–2026 Choice program lottery will be conducted in March John F. Kennedy MS > Suncoast HS
2025. Within the lottery selection process, there are preferences
to select applicants. These preferences are applied to first choice Conniston MS > Forest Hill HS
selections. The number of out–of–boundary seats available for each Pahokee MS > Pahokee HS
program is calculated each year after reviewing current enrollment FAU Biomedical The Biomedical Sciences program is a continuation
and projections. Students may be assigned as an in–boundary or of the middle school Biomedical Sciences program at Lake Worth
an out–of–boundary student, depending upon their verified home Middle and Roosevelt Community Middle. First (1st) choice applicants
address at the time of the lottery selection process. If a program for Lake Worth High School continuation of the Biomedical Sciences,
has more first choice applicants than available seats, applicants are who have satisfactorily completed middle grades program and
assigned through the lottery selection process according to approved who meet the program eligibility requirements will be assigned to
preferences in the following order (descriptions of each preference the partner high school. All other applicants must meet program
are described below): eligibility outlined on page 7.
1. Principal’s 20% list (optional) K-8 Continuum A K-8 school is a district school offering kindergarten
2. Employee through 8th grade. Students in grade five at a K-8 school must
3. Military complete a choice application indicating the K-8 school as their first
4. IB*/IB MYP Continuum (Applies only to the IB programs at the choice for grade six. If there are enough sixth grade seats at the
following high schools: Atlantic, Forest Hill, Pahokee, Suncoast, school, the students who have attended the school for grades 4 and
William T. Dwyer) 5 or who reside in the attendance zone for the (elementary) school,
5. FAU Biomedical will be assigned. Students applying to a program that require an
6. K-8 Continuum audition or other program entry requirements must meet the criteria
7. Priority SAC to be deemed eligible for assignment. If there are more applicants
8. Sibling (attending only) than seats available, applicants who reside in the attendance zone for
9. Strand the (elementary) school or who have attended the school for grades
Principal’s 20% preference is an optional selection of students based 4 and 5 will be assigned through a random selection lottery process
on an established set of measurable criteria by each principal prior to to include a priority assignment for all applicants who reside in the
the lottery. Although all students assigned with this preference meet attendance zone for the (elementary) school or who have attended
the established criteria, not all students meeting the established the school for grades 4 and 5, prior to the assignment of any other.
criteria will be considered for the Principal’s 20% preference. The Priority SAC preference is provided to applicants residing in
random lottery selection process will assign students with this designated attendance zones if applying for one of the following six
preference. The number of students assigned will not exceed 20% schools: Morikami Park Elementary, Northboro Elementary, Poinciana
of allocated out-of-boundary seats per grade level for each program. Elementary, S.D. Spady Elementary, Bak Middle School of the Arts,
Employee preference is provided to an applicant whose parent or and Suncoast High School—Innovative Interactive Technology only.
legal guardian works at the school site where the student is applying Up to 50% of elementary students and 25% of secondary students
as a first choice preference. The random lottery selection process will with this preference will be randomly assigned after the Principal's
assign students with this preference. The number of students assigned 20% students, Employee, Military and IB Continuum preference
will not exceed the allocated seats available for the program. applicants are assigned.
Military preference is provided to applicants whose parent or
legal guardian is currently serving as a full–time active duty service