Page 9 - 2025-2026 Booklet 11.20.24
P. 9
Application Address & Residency Application Options for Submission
The student’s address as identified in the District’s student information Online: The Choice program application is available online at
system (SIS), must be current and must match the address of the during published application window
parent/guardian at the time of application submission. If the student’s dates. Prior to submitting an application, the parent/guardian must
residency has recently changed, the address must be updated at the create a Family Dashboard; only one username and password may be
student’s current Palm Beach County School District school prior to used per student account. It is recommended that parents/guardians
the submission of an application. Changes to an address after the share this information with the student’s other legal parent/guardian;
application and/or lottery process may affect the application status the Choice department staff cannot provide access or information
or Choice assignment. to non-custodial parents. For the safety of the student, department
staff will not provide application access or student information to
The parent and student must be full–time Palm Beach County divorced/separated/non-custodial parents who are unaware of their
residents from the time the application is submitted. Non–Palm Beach child's application status without legal documentation to do so.
County residents are ineligible to apply for or claim a seat in a Choice
program unless the parent or guardian are full–time employees of the Applications are not complete until you receive an order/confirmation
School District of Palm Beach County. number email. An email will be sent to the address on record. If you
are not receiving communications regarding your child's application,
Divorced/Separated Parents be sure to check your "Spam/Junk" folder. You may also check your
If parents are divorced/separated, the primary address in SIS at family dashboard for the current application submission status and
the time of application submission will be used to determine updates.
Change of Address after Application Submission The Arts Programs at the following schools require auditions to
· If the address of the applicant changes after application determine eligibility:
submission, an e–mail notification may be sent to review their Bak Middle School of the Arts (all programs), The Conservatory
choices based on the student’s new address. School @ North Palm Beach (grades 6–8), A.W. Dreyfoos School of
· Applications that are not updated after an address has changed the Arts (all programs), Boynton Beach Community High School Arts
may become ineligible for the Choice lottery. programs, and West Boca Raton Community High Arts programs
· Address changes due to relocation are not allowed after the (Dance, Digital Media, Music–Band, Music–Vocal, and Theatre)
published application deadlines.
· Failure to update an address after a move takes place, may result Applicants will be scheduled for an audition by the individual
in a revocation of a Choice assignment. Arts school. Applicants will be notified via e–mail of the audition
· Applicants who move out of Palm Beach County at any time procedures and the time and date of student audition
before, during or after the lottery application and/or assignment
process will have their application marked ineligible and/or seat · The Audition procedures for each school will be published,
assignment revoked due to a move out of the county. annually, by each school requiring auditions. These guidelines will
· Applicants assigned to a Choice program as an in–boundary identify the platform for student auditions for that current year.
student who relocate prior to the first day of the school year will Any applicant applying to a program requiring an Audition must
be removed from the in–boundary assigned list and placed in adhere to the current district guidance regarding the audition
an out–of–boundary wait pool. If a seat becomes available, the process. Additional information will be provided by the individual
student may be assigned as an out–of–boundary applicant. school.
· An in–boundary student who has been enrolled in a Choice · Unless otherwise instructed, students must be physically present
program (Elementary students —at least three years; Secondary for an audition. If a child is ill on the date of the audition, that
students—at least two years) may remain in the program as an Out student may be considered for a new audition date and time
of Boundary student (OOB) upon relocation, if there are available upon receipt of a medical doctor’s written verification of illness.
seats, the school’s principal approves, and the student continues This verification must be submitted to the appropriate Arts school
to abide by the terms of the Choice Program contract. Proof of within three (3) school days of the student’s scheduled audition. A
move date must be submitted and verified by the Department of new audition date and time will be selected by the school only if
Choice and Career Options. there are more audition dates available.
· Students who are in a wait pool for a Choice program as an out- · It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify the audition
of-boundary applicant will not be moved to an in-boundary wait school of a currently active or pending IEP or 504 plan at the
pool or in-boundary assignment list as the result of a relocation audition registration and/or on the audition date(s).
after the lottery in conducted. · Higher audition eligibility scores are required for ascending
· Students who are assigned as an “in-boundary” student to a grade levels at Bak Middle School of the Arts, The Conservatory
Choice or In-House program may have their placement revoked if School @ North Palm Beach, A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts,
they move out of the attendance zone. Boynton Beach High School Arts Programs, and West Boca Raton
· A student who is enrolled in an In–house program is not eligible High School Arts Programs (Dance, Digital Media, Music–Band,
to remain in the program if he/she relocates outside of the school Music–Vocal, and Theatre). Contact the individual school for more
zone. information.