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         The Entrepreneurship program encompasses both academic knowledge and      Available School Options
         practical skills to prepare young people for responsible citizenship and the world   Choice
         of work. Fostering entrepreneurship attitudes and skills in secondary schools raises     · Spanish River Community High
         awareness of career opportunities, as well as ways young people can contribute to
                                                                                   In–House: None available
         the development and prosperity of their communities. All students applying to this
         program must meet the following eligibility criteria: 2.5 GPA.

         Environmental Science and Field Research
         The Environmental Science and Field Research program meets the needs of students   Available School Options
         wishing to pursue an academic curriculum with an emphasis on research and   Choice
         environmental studies. Students explore and evaluate the many challenges related to     · Forest Hill Community High
         local, regional and global environments. All students are involved in a learning–    · Jupiter Community High
         through–discovery approach, developing research and thinking skills. Field studies,   In–House: None available
         as well as a variety of current technologies, are utilized throughout the programs.
         Ecosystem restoration, water–related problems, agricultural awareness, field research
         and sustainability in the 21st century are some of the issues students investigate. All
         students applying to these programs must meet the following eligibility criteria:
         2.5 GPA.

         Equine/Pre–Veterinary                                                     Available School Options
         The Equine/Pre–Veterinarian program provides students with an opportunity to
         pursue a rigorous, accelerated science program to prepare them for veterinary   Choice
         medicine and/or animal sciences at the college level. Due to the rigorous science     · Wellington Community High
         curriculum, this program is appropriate for students preparing for a college program   In–House: None available
         in pre–medicine or fields requiring a strong foundation in upper level sciences.
         Topics include horse anatomy and physiology, behavior, parasitology, disease,
         lameness, etc. Students in this program are required to complete twenty hours of
         community service in an animal–based area during each year of high school and
         intern with an animal health care facility, complete research assignments in animal
         health care/medicine, and prepare veterinary case studies as a senior in high school.
         All students applying to this program must meet the following eligibility criteria:
         3.0 GPA and Algebra I or Algebra I Honors required.

         Fashion Design
         The Fashion Design program is designed to provide high school students with skills   Available School Options
         necessary for careers in fashion design, fashion merchandising, costume design, and   Choice: None available
         entrepreneurship. The Fashion Design academy has a rich, hands–on curriculum
         focusing on design skills and a broad array of garment construction techniques.   In–House
                                                                                      · John I. Leonard High
         Students will experience all aspects of garment construction and design, perfecting
         skills in advanced garment construction, computerized garment design, and creative
         embroidery design using advanced technology to simulate industry standards. There
         are no eligibility criteria required for students applying to these programs.

         The Finance program is designed to give high school students an opportunity to   Available School Options
         learn about and prepare for college or careers in business and finance. Emphasis is   Choice
         placed on a college preparatory curriculum that is directly linked to the financial     · Olympic Heights Community High
         world. Students participate in mentorships, career shadowing, and internship     · William T. Dwyer High
         programs that link the resources of business, economics, and finance to education   In–House
         and to the students. Specialized courses in finance are required. Finance is a model     · Atlantic Community High
                                                                                      · John I. Leonard High
         program established to promote educational excellence by the National Academy
         Foundation. All students applying to these programs must meet the following
         eligibility criteria: 2.5 GPA.

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