Page 20 - Guiding Document
P. 20

Students should inform their home school of lost or damaged                                         Utilization  of  devices  will  continue  when  students  return  to
             chargers.  Replacement chargers may be available at the school                                      campus.

             potentially for a fee/obligation.
                                                                                                                 Students  are  assigned  a  device  from  their  home-school.   The

             Damaged devices will be assessed to determine if the device is                                      issued  device  is  the  property  of  The  School  Board  of  Palm
             repairable  and  covered  in  full  and  under  warranty.                                           Beach County and must be used as an educational tool.

             Unintentionally  damaged  devices  that  are  not  covered  under                                   Students  moving  to  another  district  school  or  leaving  the
             warranty,  but  deemed  repairable,  will  be  repaired  at  the                                    District  (including  attending  FLVS  or  Palm  Beach Virtual)  must
             District’s expense. 
                                                                                                                 return their assigned device to their home school.

             If  a  student's  assigned  device  is  lost,  stolen,  or  damaged                                 If a student's device has been lost, stolen, or damaged, please

             through negligence, vandalism, or failure to follow proper care                                     inform  the  school  immediately.    Students  or  parents  should
             guidelines, and is not covered in full by any warranty, then the                                    bring the damaged device to the school and the tech ticket will

             parent/caregiver  may  be  responsible  for  the  cost  of  repair  or                              be submitted for repair. During this time period, a loaner device
             replacement  as  stated  in  Policy  8.124  and  according  to  the                                 may  be  issued  (based  on  availability).  Students  should  not
             Student  Device  Depreciation  document  located  on  the                                           attempt  to  tamper  with  the  device,  repair  equipment  on  their

             Electronic Device Take Home Policy 8.124 Resources page on                                          own, or take it to an outside vendor for any type of repairs or
             the Department of Educational Technology Website.

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