Page 21 - Guiding Document
P. 21

Follow revised school procedures needed for health and safety.

                                                                                                 Follow Department of Health Protocols for contact tracing and quarantine/


                                                                                                 As  of  August  7,  2021,  Superintendent  Michael  J.  Burke  exercised  his
                                                                                                 authority  to  amend  Employee  Policy  3.82,  all  employees  are  required  to

                                                                                                 wear facial coverings while on District-operated transportation or property.
                                                                                                 Recommended facial coverings should be two layers of cloth without vents
                                                                                                 or  holes.  The  District  will  provide  washable  facial  coverings  upon
                     EMPLOYEES                                                                   request.  Facial  covering  requirements  will  be  revisited  by  the

                                                                                                 Superintendent on a regular basis. Facial coverings are not required to be
                                                                                                 worn outdoors on District property.

                                                                                                 Social distancing is encouraged to the extent possible. 

                                                                                                 For employees who are exposed to, or are themselves COVID positive, fall
                                                                                                 under  either  the  CTA  or AESOP  collective  bargaining  agreement,  and  are

                                                                                                 ordered to quarantine by the Department of Health, they will be paid during
                                                                                                 the  quarantine  period  without  having  to  use  accrued  leave.  Through
                                                                                                 September 30th, all other employee groups will be granted up to ten (10)

                                                                                                 days of paid leave if ordered to quarantine. Such a leave of absence may
                                                                                                 only be granted once.  If they have already had this leave, and they are not in
                                                                                                 CTA  or AESOP,    they  will  need  to  utilize  accrued  leave  or  take  an  unpaid

                                                                                                 leave  of  absence  for  any  subsequent  quarantines.  All  employees  will  be
                                                                                                 required  to  provide  a  letter  from  the  Department  of  Health  requiring
                                                                                                 quarantine as well as complete appropriate leave request documents. The

                                                                                                 District  payroll  analysts  can  assist  the  schools  in  determining  what
                                                                                                 paperwork is needed.

                                                                                                 Self-screenings  for  temperature  are  encouraged  but  not  required.

                                                                                                 Additionally, daily health screenings are optional.

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