Page 27 - Guiding Document
P. 27

Increased health and safety measures are in effect on all campuses.

              School Maintenance Teams Provide:

              • Health-related  signage  in  common  areas  for  controlled  student
                 movement patterns throughout the school day.
              • Plexiglas installation in common areas within District facilities and

              • Installation of MERV 13 filters in all compatible units (completed).
                 HVAC  units  not  equipped  with  MERV-13  filters,  due  to

                 incompatibility of equipment, serve areas of non-occupancy, such
                 as electrical and mechanical rooms.

              • Ongoing  training  of  custodians,  bus  drivers  and  attendants  in
                 sanitization procedures.

              Custodial Teams Provide:
              • Continued  emphasis  on  cleaning  of  group  restrooms  up  to  three

                 times per day.
              • Increased monitoring of custodial supplies.
              • Increased rotations for sanitation and restocking of restrooms.

              • Monthly building inspection.

              Environmental Teams Provide:

              • Enhanced cleaning and sanitization following incidents of reported
                 cases in District schools.
              • Issuance  of  a  CLOROX  360  unit  to  every  school,  for  enhanced

                 cleaning purposes (completed).
              • Coordination of enhanced cleaning and sanitation as well as pre-                                                   BACK TO SCHOOL

                 and post-incident inspections.
              • Sanitizing supplies and protocols to schools and ancillary facilities.
              • Oversight of indoor air quality levels and concerns.                                                             RISK REDUCTION


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