Page 66 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
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Internet. For some, social media is used mainly for social purposes, but for others, these sites and technologies are used
        as tools to teach and to connect with the community.

        The First Amendment, in general, protects the rights of individuals to participate in social media. However, the laws and
        courts have ruled that schools can discipline students and staff if their speech, including online postings off campus,
        materially and substantially disrupts school operations, reasonably likely causes a material and substantial disruption of
        the school, constitutes a violation of certain relevant federal or state laws or School Board policies.

        Since social media reaches audiences far beyond the community and can leave lasting impressions, students must use
        social sites responsibly and be accountable for their actions. Students should not post or link anything to social networking
        sites that they would not want peers, teachers, college admissions officers, or future employers to access. Students should
        be sure to utilize privacy settings to control access, never share personal information with parties’ unknown on unsecure
        sites and be protective of site passwords.

        Misrepresentation of someone else’s identity must also be avoided. Students should remember to be respectful to others.
        When responding to someone during a disagreement, be sure that criticism is constructive and not hurtful. Beware of
        profane, obscene, or threatening language.

        If the use or posting to a social media site creates a substantial and material disruption on a school campus, regardless of
        time or location while posting to a social media site, students will be subject to the behavioral standards set forth in the
        Student Code of Conduct and potentially criminal charges.

        Per Florida Statute  1003.02 (2023), the use of  the  TikTok platform or any  successor platform  may not be used to
        communicate or promote any district school, school-sponsored club, extracurricular organization, or athletic team.


        The School District is authorized to collect, use or release social security numbers (SSN) of students and/or parents*** for
        the following purposes, which are noted as either required or authorized by law to be collected. The collection of SSN’s is
        either specifically authorized by law or imperative for the performance of the School District's duties and responsibilities
        as prescribed by law. {F.S. § 119.071(5) (a) 2 & 3} & (P-3.09)
            1.  Student registration and student identification numbers. [Required to request by F.S. §1008.386 and F.S. § 119.071(5)(a)
               6.1008.386 notes as an exception: “However, a student is not required to provide his or her social security number as a
               condition for enrollment or graduation.”]
            2.  Registration in an adult education program. [Required by FAC - 6A-10.0381, if available and/or student identifier, as required
               by F.S. § 119.071(5) (a) 6.]
            3.  Tracking of adult students enrolled in a postsecondary program.  [Required by FAC - 6A-1.0955 (3)(e), and by F. S. § 119.071(5)
               (a) 6.]
            4.  Criminal history, Level 1  and Level 2 background checks/Identifiers for processing fingerprints by Department of Law
               Enforcement/ Registration information regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders authorized by F.S. § 943.04351, if
               SSN is available. [and F.S. § 119.071(5) (a) 2 6.]
            5.  Reports on students required to be submitted to Florida DOE. [Authorized by F.S. § 119.071(5) (a) 2& 6.]
            6.  Tort claims and tort notices of claim against the School Board. [Required by F.S. § 768.28 (6), and F.S. § 119.071(5) (a) 6.]
            7.  Use of motor vehicle information from the Department of Motor Vehicles for the District to carry out its functions and to
               verify the accuracy of information submitted by agent or employee to the District, including to prevent fraud, in connection
               with insurance investigations, and to verify a commercial driver's license. [Authorized by federal law 18 U.S.C. 2721 et seq.
               and F.S. § 119.071(5) (a) 6.]

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