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The “reculturing” of a school to a positive school climate supports academic achievement and promotes fairness, civility,
        acceptance  of diversity,  as well as  mutual respect. The School Board  of  Palm Beach County has adopted and is
        implementing the framework of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) to assist in these efforts.

        PBS is a proven, research, and evidence-based discipline program that emphasizes school-wide systems of supports. PBS
        emphasizes teaching students to behave in ways that contribute to academic achievement and school success that
        supports a safe school environment where students and school staff are responsible and respectful. PBS also emphasizes
        the need for school staff to promote appropriate behaviors by teaching, modeling, and reinforcing appropriate behaviors
        and by treating minor misbehaviors as “teaching moments”.

        What is the Discipline Guide within the Student Code of Conduct?
        The DISCIPLINE GUIDE is a tool for administrators to respond appropriately when students have committed discipline
        infractions, per the Student Code of Conduct. This tool is designed to offer consistency at all levels across the District so
        that students are disciplined fairly from school-to-school when their behavior requires discipline beyond the classroom.

        The DISCIPLINE GUIDE does not apply to classroom management as assigned by the teacher, but rather as a progressive
        step when a student has broken the rules requiring a principal and/or his designee to assign consequences.  Certain
        violations of the rules such as weapon possession, assault, sexual harassment, require immediate initial administrative

        The DISCIPLINE GUIDE is designed to assist you and your child in understanding the consequences of violating school
        rules.  While most parents will have no need to be familiar with the discipline guide, the School Board and the District
        want to ensure that parents are knowledgeable about the actions of its school administrators when students misbehave.

        The DISCIPLINE GUIDE enables administrators to assign consequences consistently, regardless of the school your child
        attends.  When a student has multiple violations in one incident, such as fighting with a weapon, the administrator will
        impose the more severe consequences.

        Like the Student Code of Conduct, the DISCIPLINE GUIDE is reviewed annually by District stakeholders, including parents,
        teachers, administrators, counselors, and other community representatives.

        Discipline Referral Incidents in Palm Beach County are classified as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 infractions. When
        deciding  what disciplinary action should  be taken, the Principal  or designee shall consider  the student’s age,
        exceptionality, ELL status, previous conduct, intent, and severity of the incident.

        Administrators are asked to administer discipline in a progressive manner.  The underlying principle is to use the least
        severe action that is appropriate for the misbehavior.  Administrators would increase the severity of the action if the
        misbehaviors continue.

        Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)
        ENDS, also called electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, or vape pens, are battery-powered devices used to
        smoke or “vape” a flavored solution which usually contains nicotine or THC.  The use, possession, storage or sale of ENDS
        devices is prohibited by the School District of Palm Beach County.  Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for additional

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