Page 71 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
P. 71

Administrative Office           Hallways           Dining/            Open/           Restroom
                                                                  Lounging Area      Outdoor Area

           Safe         *Keep hands, feet and  *Keep hands,     *Practice safe      *Pay attention   *Give others
                        objects to yourself    feet and objects  distancing         to surroundings   privacy
                        *Ask an adult for help   to yourself    *Patiently wait to   *Keep hands,    *Wait your turn
                        if you have a problem   *Practice safe   be dismissed       feet and objects
                                               distancing       *Comply with        to yourself

           Accountable  *Use appropriate       *Watch, listen   *Seek staff for     *See something,  *Keep area
                        language, tone of      and follow       assistance and wait  Say something   clean
                        voice and attire       directions       patiently                            *Wash your
                                               *Help Keep       *Help keep                           hands using
                                               Hallways clean   cafeteria clean                      soap
                                               *Quiet voices    *Watch, listen and                   *Return to area
                                               *Get to areas    follow directions                    promptly
                                               on time

           Fidelity     *Sign in and out of log   *Wear proper   *Pay for your food   *Follow the    *Use equipment
                        book using your        identification   and drink items     rules, even      properly
                        correct name           *Use only        *Use only your      when no one is   *Use only what
                                               passes           account             watching         you need
                                               completed by

           Excellence   *Communicate clearly   *Model           *Be accepting and   *Be a role
                        *Keep electronics off   appropriate     welcoming of peers  model for others
                        and out of sight       behavior         *Clean the table    *Use             *Throw all trash
                        *Be helpful to peers   *Keep the        and area when       appropriate      in the trash can
                        and staff              hallways clean   finished            language, tone
                                               *Be helpful to   *Report any         of voice and
                                               peers and staff   concerns to staff   attire

        Model Student Behavior: Model student behavior creates a safe learning environment and reduces disruption of the
        educational process.
        Interventions for Misbehavior: An intervention is the systematic application of research validated procedures to change
        behaviors through teaching new skills or through manipulation of antecedents and consequences.
        Consequences: Consequences are the result or effect of misbehavior.

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