Page 70 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
P. 70

Student Reporting Requirements
        The School District will utilize Florida’s Statewide School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR) System to Report
        on School Safety and Discipline Data.

        Incidents shall be included in the school’s report of safety and discipline data.  The report must include each incident, the
        resulting consequences, including discipline, interventions, and referrals.

        The School District will provide incident, discipline, and referral data to the Florida Department of Education at designated

        Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
        PBS is a research and evidence-based discipline program that emphasizes Tier 1 (all students) school-wide systems of
        support.  Its research-based strategies are used to minimize problem behavior and maximize quality of life by teaching
        new skills, cultivating the mindset, and making changes in a person's environment.

        According to the Association of Positive Behavior Support, PBS combines:

            ●  Valued outcomes;
            ●  Behavioral and biomedical science;
            ●  Validated procedures; and
            ●  Systems change to enhance quality of life and reduce problem behaviors. (APBS, 2021)

         Schools should be implementing PBS in a way that fits their schools’ culture and values. Below are the adopted district-
        wide expectations.

            Safe: we follow all procedures and expectations to ensure the safety of ourselves and others

            Accountable: we are accountable for our own actions and the choices we make daily

            Fidelity: we are committed to education and learning is endless

            Excellence: we excel in all that we do, and failure is never an option

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