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                                                 Policy 8.123 – Currently Under Revision

        The following notice must be read by, or read and/or explained to, the student.  In addition, it is available to be read by,
        or explained to, the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) (unless the student is emancipated). The New and Returning
        Student Registration Form, PBSD 0636, which is required to be reviewed, completed, and signed by the parent/legal
        guardian/emancipated student annually, will contain language providing them notice of P-8.123 and that the students
        must abide by its terms.  Student access to District technology resources, including access to the Internet, is to support
        the District’s educational responsibilities and mission.

        P-8.123  - Training and “TechSafe”
        Every year, all students are required to receive direct instruction on the requirements of P-8.123.  This “TechSafe” training
        is provided during the school day and helps ensure that students understand the terms of the policy and their obligations
        to abide by its terms.  Included in this training is information about the safe use of the Internet, as well as how to recognize
        and appropriately react to instances of cyberbullying.  During this training, students are permitted to ask questions.

        Student access to District technology resources, including access to the Internet, is to support the District’s educational
        responsibilities and mission. The specific conditions and services being offered will change from time to time. In addition,
        the District makes no warranties with respect to network or Internet service, and it specifically assumes no responsibilities
            ●  The content of any source on the Internet, or any costs, liability, or damages caused by the way the student
               chooses to use his/her network or Internet access.
            ●  Any consequences of service interruptions or changes, even if these disruptions arise from circumstances under
               the control of the District.

        The student agrees to the following terms:
             1.  The student’s use of the District’s technology resources must be consistent with the primary goals of the District,
               IT, and the school site.
             2.  The student will not use any District technology resources for illegal purposes of any kind.
             3.  The student understands that misuse of District technology resources may occur in many forms, including the
               issues described in this document and School Board P-8.123 and its referenced Manual.
             4.  The student will not use District technology resources to transmit  materials that are harmful to minors,
               threatening, obscene, or harassing. The District will not be held responsible if the student participates in such
               activities or for any such behavior on the student’s part.
             5.  The student will not use District technology resources to interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or
               equipment through the distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of computer viruses, using printers
               other than those designated at the student’s school site for student use, and/or using the network to make
               unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the network or by any other means.
             6.  The student will not use District technology resources and information unless permission to do so has been
               granted by the owners or holders of the rights to those resources or information. It is assumed that information
               and resources accessible via District technology resources are private to the individuals and organizations, which
               own or hold the rights to those resources and information unless specifically stated otherwise by the owners or
               holders of the rights.
             7.  The student has read or been informed of the provisions of School Board P-8.123 and its Manual and understands
               that the student is responsible for abiding by the provisions within this Policy relating to Student Use of Technology
               at  Board Policies and the IT User Standards and Guidelines Manual.
             8.  The student acknowledges that only a limited expectation of privacy exists to the extent required by law for
               him/her as a student related to his/her use of District technology resources. District technology resources may be

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