Page 10 - Superintendent Report 2021-22
P. 10

Effective and Relevant Instruction

        Objective 1: Ensure a shared commitment and collective responsibility for
        the academic success of every student.

        High School Graduation

        On January 4, 2022, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) released high school graduation
        rates for the State of Florida and the District. The FY21 Federal Graduation Rate includes standard
        diplomas but excludes special diplomas and General Education Diplomas (GEDs). Students with
        Disabilities (SWD) on the Access Points curriculum work to earn a standard diploma and, if
        successful, are included as graduates. Due to COVID-19, assessment requirements for graduation
        were waived for FY20 seniors who had yet to meet the requirements and used at the District’s
        discretion for FY21 seniors. This should be considered when comparing the graduation rates to prior
        years. The graduation rate for 2021 was 91% overall and nearly 96% for District-operated schools.

        The table below displays the overall and subgroup graduation rates (as well as differences) for the
        past five years for District-operated schools.

                      Students                                                                  1-Year     5-Year
                                               FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Change Change

         All Students                           85     88     90     92     92     95     96       1          6
         Female - Black                         80     87     90     92     94     97     98       1          8
         Female - Hispanic                      86     88     90     92     93     96     97       1          7
         Female - White                         94     95     95     96     97     98     98       0          3
         Female - ELL                           60     68     76     84     80     91     93       2         17

         Female - ESE                           77     81     84     89     95     96     95       -1        11
         Female - FRL                           81     87     88     91     92     95     97       2          9
         Male - Black                           74     80     84     86     88     93     93       0          9
         Male - Hispanic                        80     84     87     89     88     90     92       2          5

         Male - White                           90     92     92     94     94     96     97       1          5
         Male - ELL                             55     60     70     74     71     80     88       8         18
         Male - ESE                             72     79     79     84     89     91     90       -1        11
         Male - FRL                             75     80     84     86     86     90     92       2          8

        Graduation Rates
        The most recent graduation rate available is for the graduating class of 2021 (graduation rates
        are usually released in December following graduation). The image below is from the District’s
        Graduation Rate Dashboard, showing data from District-operated schools. In FY21, the graduation
        rate was 96%, exceeding the prior year at 94%. Graduation rates tend to be similar across groups,
        exceeding 90% for all groups in FY21 (except for the small group of Pacific Islanders, n=18, at 83%).


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