Page 21 - Superintendent Report 2021-22
P. 21

FY21 Industry Certification Data
        The District continues to be a leader within the state for students earning industry recognized
        credentials.  For  the  FY21  school  year,  students  earned  10,792  industry  certifications  and  digital
        tools. This represents a 4.9% increase in the number of students who earned an industry recognized
        credential from the previous year. In addition, there are improvements in the participation and
        performance of English Language Learners and Exceptional Student Education students compared
        to the previous year.

        Literacy Initiatives

        Professional Development
        There were many opportunities for literacy-focused professional development. These included:
           •  K-2 Collecting Evidence of Student Learning
           •  The Foundation of Reading (Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Oral Language)
           •  Dive into Florida’s B.E.S.T. 3rd to 5th Grade Literacy Standards (3-5)
           •  Benchmark Oral Reading Records
           •  Fountas and Pinnell Reading Running Records
           •  Approaching Sensitive Topics
           •  FSA Writing Rubric Training (Grades 3-5)
           •  K-2 Small Group Differentiated Literacy Instruction & Workstations
           •  Grades 3-5 Small Group Instruction
           •  Exploring the ELA B.E.S.T. Communication Standards
           •  K-2 Elementary Literacy Essentials
           •  Benchmark Module 1, Module 2, and Module 3

        STARS Grant
        During the FY22 school year, the STARS Grant literacy initiative directly benefited 709 students,
        in grades K-2, at three elementary schools (Orchard View Elementary-242, Pine Grove Elementary
        -165, and Crosspointe Elementary-302). When comparing fall diagnostic scores to winter diagnostic
        scores among the three participating schools, 95% percent of students demonstrated increased
        learning  gains  in  reading.  Investing  in  professional  development  to  support  teachers  with
        instructional delivery, understanding curriculum, and best practices during the FY22 school year
        has significantly increased the teacher’s literacy instruction competencies. Students’ attitudes and
        perspectives towards literacy have been positively impacted, as students have developed a new
        sense of confidence as a result of feeling better about themselves as readers and writers. The impact
        of this program will continue to support our three pilot schools in the FY23 school year and in years
        to come.

        Norton Initiative
        The Norton Museum’s 2nd Grade Literacy and Art Initiative aims to infuse visual thinking strategies
        and vocabulary into art-centered activities to enhance the grade two curriculum. The partnership
        began in 2018 and has worked with a small pilot of five schools involving a lead 2nd-grade teacher
        and a Visual Arts teacher. Most schools in the project are Title I schools, with students who may
        not have many arts-related experiences outside of the classroom, so this project positively impacts
        students  through  experiential  learning  rooted  in  standards-based  instruction.  Benefits  of  this
        initiative include exposing students to and reinforcing careful observations and drawing conclusions
        about the artwork, formulating questions that demonstrate curiosity and engagement, connecting
        new ideas to prior knowledge and experiences, and understanding that artists can use their art to
        discuss their culture and heritage.


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