Page 95 - Superintendent Report 2021-22
P. 95

Objective 4: Increase customer service and support.

        Department Quality Survey

        The Department Quality Services (DQS) survey was administered from May 2, 2022, to May 27,
        2022. The DQS was last administered during FY19 and suspended during FY20 and FY21 due to the
        COVID-19 pandemic. As with the prior DQS administrations, the survey examined District principals’
        satisfaction with the quality of services provided by District departments. A total of 182 principals
        were invited to provide input via the survey; 107 (58.8%) responded.

        Participation by school type was:
           •  Elementary: 78 (71.6%)
           •  Middle: 18 (56.3%)
           •  High: 7 (29.2%)
           •  Other: 4 (23.5%)

        Based on the percent of positive responses (ratings of Always or Often; excluding Don’t Know or
        N/A), a letter grade was computed for each department using the scale: A=90+, B=89-80, C=79-
        70, D=69-60, F=59 or below. Each department is individually selectable on the Report Card View
        to display a breakdown of the ratings provided on each item. Users can further drill into respondent
        characteristics such as school type, region, and portfolio to explore ratings by these groups. Detailed
        results for each department are provided on the DQS Results Dashboard. The graph below shows
        the distribution of letter grades


                                                                                                                 8/23/22   2:55 PM
   Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd   95
   Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd   95                                                                       8/23/22   2:55 PM
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100