Page 11 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 11

West Technical Education Center and Chuck Shaw Technical Education Center received accreditation with the Council for
        Occupational Education (COE). The department awarded 22 scholarships to graduating seniors to continue their education
        in a trade program. Grant funding will assist trade program completers with a brand-new set of tools to begin their work
        in the trades. The department continues its rapid expansion of workforce training through acquisition of grant funds and
        expanding business partnerships. The Credit Recovery program continues to boost graduation rates by assisting students
        in completing courses necessary for graduation. Community Education additionally provides fun  and leisure courses
        throughout the District.

                   Welding program offered at North Tech and West Tech   Pre-Apprenticeship program

                                 Medical program                     One of six trucks for student training

                                                                              EDUCATE  |  AFFIRM  |  INSPIRE  //  11
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