Page 141 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 141

Figure 1

                        STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVES

                                             Accomplishments to Date

                 Ensure consistent and effective literacy  Distributed District's Kindergarten  Coordinated campaign for Kindergarten
                  instruction in every PreK-3rd grade     Readiness Kits                  Roundup

                 Strengthen career pathway opportunities and  Completed a comprehensive review of labor  Two technical centers are fully accredited
                  coordinate choice programs to ensure all  market data to project areas of high job  for the first time in 25 years
                 students identify, understand, and prepare for  demand
                     careers aligned to their interests

                  Implement innovative learning approaches  Developed pathways of   Implementation of PBL in PreK-2 at
                 including acceleration options in all four core  progression for Project-Based Learning  Roosevelt Elementary
                subjects, project-based learning, and authentic  (PBL)

                  Define the essential characteristics of the  Drafted essential characteristics of a future  Curated District-wide community
                   future Palm Beach Schools’ graduate in  Palm Beach Schools’ graduate    experiences:
                 collaboration with our community and align
                   learning opportunities for all students                                      Grade 5   - Kravis Center
                                                                                                Grade 7   - Science/Nature
                                                                                                Grade 10 - Social Studies

                  Establish formal structures for students to  Formed the Superintendent Student
                  influence decisions at each school and the  Advisory Committee

                  Create a tailored hub to help students and  Launched District website with enhanced
                 families navigate District processes to achieve  support for families
                        their educational goals
                                                        New student portal

                  Expand mental health and wellness peer  Formed School Police Peer Voluntary
                  support programs available to employees  Engagement Networking Group (VENG)


                Create a culture of customer service excellence  Launched an internal campaign, Catch the
                         among employees          W.A.V.E. The goal of this campaign is to
                                                 create a sense of community, excitement,
                                                 and enthusiasm in District staff as it relates
                           D.2a                      to customer service excellence.

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