Page 150 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 150
Strategic Plan Indicators Definitions - AFFIRM
Indicator Description Denominator Numerator
Sense of Belonging SEQ Item: Students feel like they Total number of students who Number of students who "Agree" or
belong at school. responded to the item. "Strongly Agree"
Staff Effectiveness "SEQ School Effectiveness 3-item Total number of students, staff and Number of students, staff, and parents
aggregate. parents who responded to the items. who "Agree" or "Strongly Agree" with
* Students use ideas taught in school each of the items in this category.
in daily life.
* Teachers prepare students for what
they need to know next year.
* The school sets high expectations for
ALL students. "
Growth Mindset SEQ item: Students believe if they try Total number of students who Number of students who "Agree" or
hard they can learn anything. responded to the item. "Strongly Agree"
Elementary Equitable & Representative Percent of grade 5 students Total number of 5th grade students Number of students recommended for
Access (Adv Recommendations) recommended for an advanced core going into 6th grade an advanced core course.
course in Grade 6.
Equitable & Representative access to Percent of middle school students Total number of students enrolled in Number of middle school students
MS Advanced/Accelerated Courses enrolled in an advanced/high school middle school. enrolled in an advanced/high school
level core course. level core course.
Equitable & Representative access to Percent of high school students Total number of high school students. Number of high school students
HS Accelerated Courses enrolled in an AP, AICE, IB, or DE course. enrolled in an AP, AICE, IB, or DE course.
Discipline Percent of students with office Total number of students enrolled. Number of students with one or more
discipline referrals. office discipline referrals.
150 // Superintendent Annual Report 2022 - 2023