Page 151 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 151
Strategic Plan Indicators Definitions - INSPIRE
Indicator Description Denominator Numerator
Student and Caregiver Engagement Student- SEQ Item: Students look Total number of students who Number of students who "Agree" or
forward to participating in school responded to the item. "Strongly Agree"
"All - SEQ Family Involvement Total number of students, staff and Number of students, staff, and parents
aggregate parents who responded to the items. who "Agree" or "Strongly Agree" with
* Families feel welcome at this school. each of the items in this category.
* Parents communicate with teachers.
* Teachers inform parents about
students' academic progress."
Student and Caregiver Satisfaction SEQ Students Overall Percent Positive Total number of students who Number of students "Agree" or
Ratings responded to the Survey. "Strongly Agree" with each of the
SEQ Parents Overall Percent Positive Total number of parents who Number of parents "Agree" or
Ratings responded to the Survey. "Strongly Agree" with each of the
Student Self-Efficacy SEQ Item: Students can control how Total number of students who Number of students who "Agree" or
well they do in school. responded to the item. "Strongly Agree"
Attendance Percent of Students in attendance Total number of students enrolled. Number of students who attended 95%
95%+ of days. or more of their enrolled days.
Career Pathway Participation Percent of high school students Total number of high school students. Number of high school students (9 to
enrolled in a career certification 12) enrolled in a career certification
program program as recorded by schools in the
Student Information System (SIS).
Advanced Diplomas and/or IC Percent of high school graduates Total number of graduates. Number of graduates with an AICE, IB,
Concentration earning an AP, IB, or AICE diploma AP Diploma or IC concentration.
or had an Industry certification
Post-Graduate Success Percent of high school graduates who Total number of graduates. Number of graduates enrolled in a
enrolled in post-secondary education post-secondary institution that reports
in the fall following completion of high to the National Student Clearinghouse
school. in the fall after high school graduation.
Increase District Market Share (K-12) Percent of students enrolled in a All students in SIS (including students Number enrolled in a District-operated
District-operated school. attending charter schools, home school.
school, voucher scholarships, FLVS, and
select private school students).