Page 29 - TIM_06-09-23
P. 29

FROM: Melinda Springman-Herrera,
            Director, Leadership Development
     SUBJECT: Thank You & Kudos

     I just wanted to send a note of gratitude for your amazing team. My
     monitor was installed today, and the project became rather complicated,
     requiring a collaboration between electric, tech, and maintenance. They
     came in together over the last couple weeks, collaborating and thinking
     about how to make it happen, and today they pulled it off!
     Our suite does not have a conference room, which has resulted in us
     typically needing to “find a space” to collaborate and meet. Thanks to
     this, we have a place both for our own collaboration and to allow our
     program participants to present to us in person instead of virtually.

     Have a great weekend, and thank you once again to your team!

     FROM: Angelina “Gina” Ranno, Sr. Tech. Analyst,
            FTE & Student Reporting
     SUBJECT: Huge Thanks to Sean Balash
     Since the Portal and SIS update, a few of our staff’s computers (3020
     and 3040) were not able to log on to the SIS portal. Sean has been so
     kind and responded to our service requests and swapped out our older
     computers immediately.
     Everyone in the Department has been taken care of.

     He has been a huge help to all of us in the FTE and Student Reporting
     Department. We are very grateful and appreciative!

     FROM: Christina Davis, Compliance/Special Projects Manager                        Kudos
     SUBJECT: IT support at yesterday’s DLA conference

     Just a quick note to let you know how much the DLA Conference
     Committee appreciates and values the vast expertise and dedicated
     support provided by your team at yesterday’s DLA conference.

     On Monday afternoon, Jonathan and Kevaughn cheerfully and expertly
     set up all of the AV equipment, ensuring that Tuesday’s conference
     would proceed flawlessly (which it did!). Yesterday, Jonathan arrived
     early and was onsite for the entire conference.  All day, he provided his
     technical expertise with quiet confidence and a cheerful demeanor. The
     program went off without a hitch!

     Having observed both Jonathan and Kevaughn do their work over the
     last year or so, I believe that both gentlemen are trusted and valuable
     assets to our District. I find it a complete pleasure to work with them.
     They both understand and deliver consistently excellent customer


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