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                WELCOME NEW

                                                                          Emelinda Familia
                                                                          Project Management Office
                                                                          IT Solutions Project Manager

                                                                          Emelinda joined the IT PMO in May of 2023
                                                                          as a Senior Project Manager to support new
                                                                          endeavors and initiatives undertaken by the
                                                                          IT Division to continue advancing the School
                                                                          District into the latest era of technology. She
                                                                          is a resourceful professional Project Manager
                                                                          with 5+ years of experience in governmental
                                                                          institutions, Finance, and IT consulting.
                                            She obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and a Master’s
                                            Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in International
                                            Business. She achieved her PMP Certification with the Project Management
                                            Institute. Challenges and solving problems through data analysis are part
                                            of her passions, and collaborating with others to find solutions and simplify
                                            processes is her mantra for cooperative success. Emelinda is ecstatic about
                                            witnessing the day-to-day growth and curiosity of her 2-year-old child and
                                            discovering new places, treasures hidden in antique stores, live theater, and
                                            coordinating family gatherings. Joining the Palm Beach School District has
                                            been her most satisfying professional accomplishment this year, and she
                                            looks forward to continuously contributing to its mission and vision.

                                                                          Melanie Haspil
                                                                          IT Infrastructure & Systems Support

                                                                          IT Solutions Specialist I

                                                                          Melanie Haspil joined the IT Infrastructure
                                                                          Department in April 2023. Prior to that,
                                                                          Melanie was a classroom teacher for fifteen
                                                                          years. She then moved into an administrative
                                                                          position as a Single School Culture
                                                                          Coordinator for four years where she was in
                                                                          charge of several departments and yearly
                                                                          state testing. She is enjoying the transition
                                            from the school environment to the IT world and is learning tremendously as
                                            she helps coordinate IT projects. In her spare time, Melanie loves to travel
                                            and spend time by the water.

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