Page 17 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 17

LONG-TERM Outcomes
               We have concluded our investigative Listening and Learning process which has enabled us
               to collaboratively develop the foundation on which we have created a dynamic 5-year
               strategic plan for the School District of Palm Beach County. We have identified four
               interdependent, essential, long-term outcomes which will serve as indicators to measure the
               progress of the School Board toward delivering the education system and public school
               experience that Palm Beach County deserves. This strategic plan will serve as a shared
               vision for the future of our students and their families, our employees, and our community.

               LONG-TERM OUTCOME 1: Increase reading on grade level by 3rd grade
                                     Recent research shows that "students who do not read proficiently by
                                     3rd grade are four times more likely to leave high school without a
                                     diploma than proficient readers" [http: //
                                     double-jeopardy]. Therefore, we need to undergo a paradigm shift that
                                     may require time, energy, and money to be reallocated in order to
                                     invest heavily on the front end of our students' education.
                                     Kindergarten readiness and early literacy are crucial for the long term
                                     educational success of our students.

               LONG-TERM OUTCOME 2: Ensure high school readiness
                                     Just as a student's 3rd grade reading level is an early predictor of
                                     future academic success, we have also identified early warning
                                     indicators for 8th grade to determine if our students are high school
                                     ready. These factors include aspects of academic achievement,
                                     student behavior, and school engagement. We need to make certain
                                     that our students are receiving a rigorous education throughout their
                                     elementary and middle school experience to prepare them for the
                                     challenges of high school.

               LONG-TERM OUTCOME 3: Increase the high school graduation rate
                                     We need to engage our students in innovative ways to ensure we open
                                     doors and build pathways so they are provided options when deciding
                                     upon the post-graduate opportunity of their choice. The U.S. Census
                                     Bureau estimates that high school dropouts earn 33% less than the
                                     average graduate, and are twice as likely to live in poverty from ages
                                     18 to 24 [http :// the-numbers

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