Page 60 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
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assessment, demographic, and academic data. The EDW also generates and transfers data
               files to business partners, including the Palm Beach County Healthcare District and other
               agencies, to fulfill their data requirements. Additionally, EDW specialists provide professional
               development sessions for users in the areas of awareness and quality assurance in
               accessing and interpreting the student listing reports, graphs, summary tables, management
               matrices, and data panels. Data from the EDW enables users to make well-informed
               decisions leading to improvements in student achievement and performance.

               The EDW has developed and hosts more than 400 reports. One of the immediate priorities
               of the EDW team is to develop a new Key Performance Indicator dashboard to align with the
               new District Strategic Plan. In addition, the development of College and Career Readiness
               reports at the District, school, and student level will be developed over the next three years.
               Finally, the development of student learning growth reports that will enable schools and
               leaders to understand the relationship between the FLDOE's Value-Added Model scores and
               student performance will be another key priority. The EDW has set the framework in place
               for scaling to a robust Enterprise Data Warehouse. In addition to student data, the
               Enterprise Data warehouse will incorporate other data sources such as HR, financial, school
               transportation, and school food service. Seamless integration processes will enable more
               frequent loading of transactional data into the Enterprise Data Warehouse. Responsibilities
               of the EDW specialists will expand to create reports with the new data and provide
               professional development to users.

               Data needs to be in the hands of all stakeholders including educators, students, parents,
               guardians, school principals, and administrators who have the ability to make decisions
               regarding student progress and achievement. Parents and guardians are stakeholders who
               currently have access to EDW individual student reports through the parent portal (Edline)
               and conferences with school-based personnel. The EDW team will investigate methods to
               allow parents/guardians to access an expanded array of reports specific to individual
               students. To provide access, the EDW team will partner with IT to address hardware,
               software, security, and Service Desk support processes and functions.

               Florida Standards
               A major challenge faced by the District is the shift from the NGSS standards to the Florida
               Standards (FS) in 2015. These new standards continue to require updated formative and
               diagnostic assessments, potentially from multiple sources (both in-house and from various
               vendors) as well as an assessment platform that is web-based, flexible, available 24/7, and
               linked to targeted best-practice resources for teachers and students. The Division of Quality
               Assurance will collaborate with K-12 Curriculum, Professional Development, and IT to
               implement a system of teaching and formative assessment to increase the ability of
               teachers to support student learning during instruction and to facilitate the ability of
               students to monitor their own learning.

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