Page 59 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
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                                                The Department of Assessment creates, publishes, delivers,
                                                and scans assessments which are aligned to the NGSSS
                                                and FSA Item Specifications, as well as overseeing the
                                                administration of District (e.g., FSQ/NGSQ/USA &
                                                Diagnostics), State (e.g., NGSSS and FSA Assessments and
                                                EOCs), and national (e.g., SAT, PSAT, NAEP) assessments.
                                                The department provides professional development to
                                                District staff related to understanding State and Federal
               accountability and assessment rules; writing assessments aligned with NGSSS or FSA
               standards; and using assessment results to improve instruction and organizational
               practices, including how to involve students in the assessment process.

               In addition to delivering training and professional development, technology support is
               provided during the course of developing and distributing assessments. To meet these
               varied responsibilities, utilization of the following equipment will continue:
                     eInstruction Clickers
                     Performance Matters/ Unify
                     Microsoft Suite
                     Adobe Professional Suite
                     Internet Explorer/ Chrome browsers
                     ScanGear Tool
                     Adobe Master Collection CS4
                     Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
                     Adobe Presenter
                     I-Ready

               The model for 21  Century Learning requires that student performance be measured when
               there is still time to take action to improve. Instant feedback on assessments can assist
               educators in making decisions on what is best for each individual student in a real-time
               environment. Technology-based assessments can deliver this functionality to drive
               continuous improvement. The District is now completing an upgrade to both the wired and
               wireless network infrastructure to support online testing and digital content for learning in
               the classroom.

               Educational Data Warehouse

               The Educational Data Warehouse (EDW) is the District's central repository for data for
               186,000 students, including rosters, demographics, and assessments. Primary functions of
               the EDW are to develop, maintain, and distribute web-based reports and graphs that enable
               100% of the District's teachers and administrators to have just-in-time access to student

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