Page 63 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
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original capacity to connect to the District Data Centers. A safe and reliable connection for
               teachers, students, and employees is a priority.

               Wi-Fi/Wireless Strategy

               Due to the increased need for wireless coverage, the District is in the process of providing a
               wireless umbrella at every location, which can facilitate the use of a wide assortment of
               mobile computing devices. The solution is vendor agnostic and provides coverage for
               multiple platforms, including BYOD devices, allowing for greater flexibility and productivity.

               In our current environment, wireless network connectivity is deployed with one access point
               in every classroom, in every school.  Media centers and gymnasiums are generally
               configured in a load balanced scenario to handle greater demands with a larger
               capacity.  The primary focus for the wireless infrastructure over the next five years is to
               supplement the existing infrastructure with latest technologies, and aggressively engineer
               sites that require additional resources for mass online testing and classroom
               instruction.  Schools are depending more and more on mobile devices and our goal is to
               design a solution that is easily scalable and configurable.  Over the next five years, wireless
               coverage will be in place to entertain new technologies and support more network related

               A considerable amount of our network and wireless infrastructure is funded through the
               Federal Communication Commissions (FCC) E-Rate program where 80% of qualified
               purchases are refunded as appropriate.  We work closely with E-Rate consultants to take
               advantage of as many opportunities for funding as possible.

               Telephone System

               Internet Telephony is the transport of telephone calls (voice) over the Internet. Also known
               as Voice Over IP (VoIP), it has grown to become one of the most used and cost-effective
               ways to communicate today. The most significant benefit of IP Telephony is money-saving
               and easy implementation of innovative services. IP Telephony solutions make use of packet
               switched connections from the Internet for the exchange of voice, fax, and other data forms,
               instead of using traditional dedicated circuit-switched connections from Public Service
               Telephone Networks (PSTN). Benefits, in addition to cost savings, include improved
               productivity, flexibility and advanced features, making IP telephony a very appealing

               The District phone system is over twelve years old, and over the next five years all systems
               will be evaluated for enhancements or replacement. This includes backend infrastructure,
               networking, and the endpoint phone device.

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