Page 32 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
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Organization                   Websites Links                          Description
          OPEN PHYSED (K-12)             Instant Activities(Elementary K-5)  PE NOW is OPEN’s commitment to the physical
          Sponsored by: US Games                                           education  community  for the  2020-2021 school
                                         Welcome to OPEN – the Online      year. We will add new content weekly to help you
                                         Physical Education Network.       plan, implement, and assess in this uncertain and
                                                                           unprecedented  time.  There  are 2 types of tools
                                         PE Now Home                       on  this  page.  On  the  left  you’ll  find  games  and
                                                                           calendars for parents and families to use to make
                                         PE NOW YouTube Playlist           their home an active  home. On the right you’ll
                                                                           find resources to help teachers and parents partner
                                         Active Home OPEN Resource Center  as they  work together  to  provide  meaningful
                                                                           movement  opportunities  that progress students
                                         OPEN At Home Summer Camp          toward physical education and social & emotional
                                                                           learning  outcomes. There is also free summer
                                                                           camp at home activities.

          Varsity Brands- “Believe in You”   Varsity Brands Presents the Believe   Believe  in You® is an episodic  series designed
          with Kevin Atlas-              in You Program                    to educate students and staff about the incredible
          SEL resource to build confidence                                 power of believing  in yourself, despite the
          and an inclusive PE environment.  Believe in You                 challenges and trials that life may present. Hosted
                                                                           by Kevin Atlas, and starring personalities  from
                                         Believe in You Video Series – Season   around the country who have overcome personal
                                         One                               challenges  to  accomplish  the  extraordinary.
                                                                           Videos can be viewed in class as a group, or on
                                         Believe in You Video Series – Season   any mobile device. Each of the 9 episodes per
                                         Two                               season lasts for eight to eleven  minutes,  and is
                                                                           accompanied by lesson plans and activity guides
                                         Believe In You Video Series Season   to take the conversation further and spark critical
                                         Three                             thinking.

          DAREBEE (K-12)                 Superx- seated workout.           Fitness  at  your  own terms  no-equipment  visual
                                         Hand mobility                     workouts,  fitness  programs  and  challenges,
                                         Seated-boxer-workout              training  and running tips, recipes and nutrition
                                         Neck-workout                      advice.  Different workouts for students in chairs.
                                         Binary Workout
                                         3 minute seated-yoga-workout
                                         Arms of Steel Chair Edition
                                         Back Pain Relief (Chair)
                                         Chair Cycle Workout

          Hip Hop Public Health          Hip Hop Public H.E.A.L.S          A  great health and physical education literacy
                                         Yaaas Bounce                      program which incorporates hip hop music,
                                         Knees Up                          learning and fun.  Enjoy our music, comic books
                                         Drive                             and videos that feature some inclusive great dance
                                         Show Em How Now                   moves.
                                         Round the World
                                         Flow the Wave
                                         Basic Bounce

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