Page 16 - TIME Newsletter Fall 2017
P. 16

Updated IT Policies Coming

                                            Two IT Board policies were reviewed by the School Board at an
                                            August 7th workshop.  Policy 2.036, Breach of Personal Information,
                                            addresses the manner in which the District will respond to unauthorized
                                            access and acquisition of computerized data that compromises the
                                            security and confidentiality of unencrypted personal information.

                                            Updates to Policy 2.036 include the details of the responsibility for
                                            employees, consultants, and vendors to report possible breaches as
                                            well as actual breaches of personal information. This policy supports
                                            the Florida Statute that requires specific processes and timelines be
                                            followed for providing notice of breaches to the Florida Department of
                                            Legal Affairs, credit reporting agencies, and affected parties. PBSD
                                            2344, Personal Identification Security Possible Breach Report, is used
                                            to report breaches to the District Security Officer.

                                            Policy 8.125, Website Review and Filtering, identifies the processes
                                            and criteria used by IT and Educational Technology to filter website
                                            access, and has been updated to remain compliant with Florida Statute
                                            and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.  Website filtering
                                            criteria includes:

                                            •  Website has access to pictures that are obscene, showing nudity,
                                               sexual acts, or harmful to minors; or allows students to disclose
                                               or disseminate personal information, E-rate requirements of CIPA
                                               (Children’s Internet Protection Act).
                                            •  Website contains content that is lewd, lascivious, vulgar, obscene or
                                               harmful to minors.
                                            •  Website has access to chat rooms (students), blogs (students),
                                               guest books, dating services, non-District email capabilities and/or
                                               non-educational games.
                                            •  Website contains excessive violence, promotes hate, racism, or
                                               encourages illegal activity.
                                            •  Website materially and substantially interferes with the work of the
                                               school or infringes upon the rights of other students.
                                            •  Website contains material violating copyright or other intellectual
                                               property rights.
                                            •  Website has no educational value.
                                            •  Website could impair or compromise the security or performance of
                                               the District’s information systems.

                                            Employees must open a Service Request in eSupport to request that a
                                            specific website be blocked or unblocked.

                                            Students may submit an anonymous request to a school staff member
                                            or administrator, who can then submit the request through eSupport.

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