Page 8 - TIME Newsletter Fall 2017
P. 8

Facilities Projects – Sales Tax

                                            The Enterprise Applications IWMS team, working in partnership with
                                            staff from Facilities Services and Treasury have implemented the
                                            TRIRIGA Facilities Projects module in Production. The initial phase will
                                            allow Facilities Services project managers and support staff to enter,
                                            schedule, and monitor facility renewal projects funded by Sales Tax
                                            Referendum monies. Financial data related to the projects flow from
                                            PeopleSoft to TRIRIGA and allow additional detailed tracking of costs,
                                            purchase orders and invoices in a non-official capacity - PeopleSoft
                                            is still the official financial application of record. Custom reporting and
                                            metrics are in development to provide leadership the ability to track
                                            individual and overall project progress.

                                            Future phases include the possibility to add additional departments
                                            using Sales Tax Referendum dollars, as well as track other types of
                                            projects. Discussions are already underway to add facility Security
                                            projects in the coming months.

                                            The IWMS team will continue to work closely with our stakeholders to                                    CONGRATULATIONS
                                            quickly respond to issues, requests and enhancements as needed.

                                            We’d like to thank everyone involved for getting us this far and look
                                            forward to continued collaboration and partnership to make the process
                                            and product better!

                                            School Based Space Lease Training for FY 17/18 was held at various
                                            locations throughout the District between July 20 and July 27 with more
                                            than 160 participants county-wide. Training included presentations
                                            on leasing policy and lessee insurance as well as a brief “hands-on”
                                            TRIRIGA session for new Space Lease Coordinators.  In FY 16/17
                                            approximately 150 schools participated in leasing school space which
                                            generated more than six million dollars in revenue shared between the
                                            schools and the District.  A refresher training course will be offered at
                                            FHESC on October 31st, 2017.
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