Page 4 - TIME Newletter Winter 2017 Edition
P. 4


                                           BEACH COUNTY SCHOOLS!

                                           Here is a quick guide for students, employees

                                           and guests accessing WiFi.

                                           What WiFi services are available for students, employees, and guests at
                                           Palm Beach County Schools?

                                           WiFi access is available throughout the School District for students, employees
                                           and guests. District approved devices typically join the employee WiFi network
                                           called “SDPBC Wireless Network”. Non-District devices typically join the
                                           “SDPBC Guest Network”. After you connect to the SDPBC Guest Network,
                                           you will be prompted to sign in as a student, employee or guest. Installing a
                                           certificate on a guest device or non-standard District device is required before
                                           connecting to the SDPBC WiFi network.

                                           Why do I need to install a certificate on my own device to use the School
                                           District’s WiFi network?

                                           Filtering Internet traffic is a requirement for all students and employees of
                                           all public schools. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires all
                                           network access to be filtered, regardless of the device you use to access it
                                           while in a public school. The network you are using belongs to the District and
                                           will require the user to install a certificate before using our WiFi. The District’s
                                           WiFi certificate page can be found at

                                           How do I access the Internet on my personal device?
                                           (Bring Your Own Device (BYOD))

                                           All devices will detect available wireless connections. Your device should
                                           prompt you to join an available network if there is a wireless connection near
                                           you. When prompted, choose the SDPBC Guest Network. Once you choose
                                           this network and open an Internet browser, you will be prompted by the
                                           “Connect BYOD Page”. Clicking Guest Login indicates you have read and
                                           accepted the terms of service and will abide by all Palm Beach County School
                                           District policies and procedures.

                                           My personal device does not give me a prompt to choose a wireless
                                           network. What should I do?

                                           Check the settings menu of your device to see if there is a network access icon.
                                           Select this icon and choose the “SDPBC Guest Network” from the list. If you
                                           do not see any networks, turn your WiFi settings off and back on. Be sure to
                                           consult the owner’s manual of your device to get exact directions for accessing
                                           wireless networks. If you automatically connect to a network and Internet
                                           access is still not working, force disconnect and allow the device to reconnect
                                           to the network.

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