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Project Management is a constantly changing field Subsequently, the PMO team continued to work
that requires adaptability and a willingness to grow diligently on the second and final phase of the project
with the times. Keeping up with the latest trends while ensuring compliance with the scope, achieving
and techniques is essential for delivering excellent the completion of the following deliverables:
results. Embracing change and staying ahead of
the curve will ensure that projects are completed • A new edition of the Project Management
efficiently and effectively. Guidebook. This version incorporates the Agile
and Lean methodologies and principles and
The IT Project Management Office (IT PMO), the latest Project Management Institute (PMI)
recognizing the evolving landscape of strategies and best practices designed to
changes and the significance of help project management professionals
being at the forefront of emerging become more proactive, innovative,
methodologies and technology and nimble in response to the rapidly
trends, undertook the initiative to changing markets and emerging
revamp the Project Management technologies.
Center of Excellence, deployed • New Templates and
four years ago. Summer 2023 IT Standard Operating Procedures.
PMO interns Daniella Salazar and This supports the promotion
Ethan Mangaroo were tasked with of consistency across the
this endeavor to provide them with organization, reducing likelihood of
valuable experience and practical errors and fostering uniformity in the
exposure to different fields through the outputs.
IT Summer Internship program.
• Documents and attachments updated
During the summer of 2023, the IT PMO team and converted to be more compatible with
provided mentorship and guidance to the interns District-wide tools for a user-friendly experience.
for the successful completion of the project’s
initial phase. This involved a comprehensive Overall, the changes to the Project Management
assessment of the Project Management Center Center of Excellence provide an updated look at
of Excellence site, along with the associated the IT PMO methods, tools, templates, strategies,
documentation, to ascertain its relevance and and approach to managing technology projects
adherence to current best practices. across the District and is a useful resource for all
District staff who manage projects of any size.
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