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Raptor Volunteer

     Tracking System

      to Replace VIPS

     The Raptor Volunteer module for managing volunteer applications, approvals,
     check-in and check-outs, and volunteer hours is quickly approaching the roll-out
     phase. A replacement for the long-used VIPS in-house designed application,
     which is at end-of-life, the Raptor Volunteer system will streamline and improve
     many volunteer functions - applying to be a volunteer, getting the necessary
     approvals, real-time mandatory background checks, as well as robust reporting

     After many years of use in every school, VIPS will be retired and replaced on
     March 25, 2024, with a Raptor Volunteer pilot starting on February 26. Raptor
     for Volunteers is an easy-to-use website and application that allows volunteers

     •   Submit their application from anywhere, including via
        a mobile device
     •   Attach/upload the required documents for volunteer drivers
     •   Sign up to volunteer at multiple schools with one application

     Raptor  is  already  used  in  all  schools  for  visitor  check-in  and  emergency
     management. Adding  Raptor’s  Volunteer Tracking  module  will  help  improve
     the  efficiency  of  volunteer  check-ins  at  schools.  The  Raptor  Volunteer

     Management Video provides a quick product overview.

     We are excited about the ability of Raptor Volunteer Management to provide a
     more streamlined volunteer experience for all schools!

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