Page 32 - TIME Newsletter 2018 in Review
P. 32

Hello from Suncoast!

                                            I just wanted you to know that last Friday Nick and Javier came
                                            to my Mac lab at Suncoast to install JAMF in the hopes that
                                            it would ease the troubles that my students and I have been
                                            experiencing. And let me tell, we could not be happier with the
                                            results. I cannot believe the difference that JAMF has made.

                                            We received 25 new iMacs back in October, and while I was
                                            thrilled to get them, my joy quickly faded as I realized just
                                            how slow everything was with them.  Honestly, when I started
                                            class at 7:30 in the morning, most days it would take at least
                                            until 7:45 or 7:50 just to login on some of my computers and
                                            open a website. Opening Adobe Premiere Pro was always an
                                            experience, and opening Adobe InDesign....well let’s just say
                                            you’d better never be in a hurry to get anything accomplished
                                            because InDesign would take its own sweet time to open (if it
                                            would at all.)  Certain students couldn’t log on to certain
                                            computers, and various software would just refuse to open at
                                            random times.

                                            We also have a Mac Mini that functions as a server for my
                                            yearbook class, but there were mysterious glitches that would
                                            not allow us to save documents directly on the server (we had
                                            to play the old save on the desktop and drag it into the server
                                            trick). The server would always give us an error message that
                                            we couldn’t open a document on the first try, but the second
                                            time was usually the charm.

                                            However, since Nick and Javier worked their magic on Friday,
                                            all of those headaches have disappeared. All students can login
                                            seamlessly. Logins are quick. Websites will actually open. And
                                            there’s no need to take a lunch break while attempting to open
                                            InDesign as it happens much more quickly now.  The mysterious
                                            glitches with the Mac Mini server have even disappeared.

                                            I can’t even begin to tell you how productivity has increased
                                            as my students actually have time to complete their work. I
                                            just wanted to thank you so much for making this happen. My
                                            students and I are overjoyed at the possibilities that lie
                                            before us.

                                            I also want to give a shout-out to Nick as he has been so
                                            professional and so helpful and very patient with me as we’ve
                                            worked to resolve these issues. You are lucky to have him on
                                            your team, and I’m lucky to have him as a resource.

                                            Stephanie Russo, CJE
                                            Renaissance Yearbook Adviser


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