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In Touch

                                               With the CIO

                                            Welcome to the 2023 New Year edition of Technology in Motion for Education.
                                            I hope everyone was able to take some time off from their busy schedule
                                            during the holidays and came back energized for the rest of the school year.
                                            As we approach the tax filing season, we would like to remind our users again
              By Deepak Agarwal             about maintaining security awareness and the importance of keeping their
            Chief Information Officer       personal information safe. Cyber criminals have been very active world-wide

                                            to obtain personal information using various methods, not limited to just email
                                            phishing. Please remember to keep your guard up and remain especially
                                            cautious for any email message that asks for your personal information or
                                            login credentials.

                                            Thanks to everyone for taking the online security awareness training in
                                            FY23 to meet our state audit requirements. Our FY24 security awareness
                                            training campaign is currently in progress. As of the end of Jan 2023, we are
     In Touch with the CIO  ............................. 2-3  approximately 70% compliant, and we hope the rest of our staff takes this
     2022 - IT Division Year in Review  .............. 4-7  important training to reach full compliance by the end of this school year. The
     New Strategic Technology Plan Approved  ....... 8  training enlightens employees on the best security methods to protect District
     eSports in Palm Beach Schools  .................... 9  data, covering topics including avoiding internet threats, protecting personal
     Upgraded District Portal Soon To Deploy  ...... 10  information, preventing phishing email attacks, and protecting personal and
     Keeping You Safe with MFA  ...................... 11  District devices.
     Complete IT Security Awareness Course  ....... 12  I’d like to list the completion of key initiatives and projects as a
     Phishing Reminder  ................................. 12  reflection of the Information Technology Division’s support for schools:
     PMO Corner .......................................... 13  •   5 Year District Technology Plan:  Completed a new 5 Year District
     District Website Launched, Schools Next  ...... 14  Technology Plan in support of and alignment to the new District strategic
     Universal Student ID Project Update  ............ 15  plan and priorities for student success.
     VIPS to be Replaced  ............................... 16
     SIS Document Center Project Update  ........... 16  •   Internet Capacity Upgrade: Upgraded District-wide internet capacity to
                                               100 Gbps to accommodate the increasing need for connectivity.
     Student Record Subpoena Process Improved  . 17
     HR Case Management System Goes Live  ...... 17  •   Wi-Fi Access Points Upgrade for More Density:  Successfully
     Full Speed Ahead:  Internet Upgrades  ...... 18-19  upgraded Wi-Fi 6 Wireless Access Points installed at all high schools and
     Other Infrastructure Projects  .................. 18-19  10 elementary schools, with E-Rate approval and funding.
     Employee Promotions and Moves  ............... 20  •   SIS Document Center:  Planned and initiated a 2-year project to scan
     Employee Retirements  ............................ 21  all elementary student cumulative records into the Student Information
     Employee Credentials  ............................. 21  System (SIS).
     Welcome New Employees  .................... 22-23  •   Completed the Elementary School Server Infrastructure upgrades.
     Kudos  ............................................. 24-26
                                            •   E-Rate:  Internet, WAN/LAN switches, and Wireless Access Point
                                               installations and new E-Rate filings with USAC/FCC for future funding

                                            •   Ongoing maintenance of the District schools’ 1:1 Chromebook initiative
                                               (including device repairs and refresh).
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