Page 4 - Guiding Document
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                                                                                                       The mission of the School District of Palm Beach County is to educate,

                                                                                                       affirm, and inspire each student in an equity-embedded school system.
              School Board

             of PALM BEACH COUNTY                                                                VISION STATEMENT

                                                                                                       We  envision:  “The  School  District  of  Palm  Beach  County  is  an
             District 1:          Barbara McQuinn                                                      educational  and  working  environment,  where  both  students  and  staff
             District 2:          Alexandria Ayala                                                     are  unimpeded  by  bias  or  discrimination.  Individuals  of  all

             District 3:          Karen Brill (Vice-Chair)                                             backgrounds  and  experiences  are  embraced,  affirmed,  and  inspired.

             District 4:          Erica Whitfield                                                       Each and every one will succeed and flourish.
             District 5:          Frank A. Barbieri, Jr., Esq., (Chair)

             District 6:          Marcia Andrews                                                       The  School  District  of  Palm  Beach  County  will  take  ownership  for
                                                                                                       students’  academic  mastery,  emotional  intelligence,  and  social-
             District 7:          Debra Robinson, M.D.                                                 emotional  needs  by  creating  environments  where  students,  families,
             Student                                                                                   staff, and communities will develop agency and voice.
             Representative:  Logan Harrigan

                                                                                                       A joy of learning is fostered in each student and a positive vision for
                                                                                                       their future is nurtured. Each student’s cultural heritage is valued and

                                                                                                       their physical, emotional, academic, and social needs are met.
                                   Michael J. Burke                                                    …We see you.

                Deputy Superintendent and Chief of Schools
                                    Edward Tierney

                            Chief of Equity and Wellness
                                     Keith Oswald

                               Chief Academic Officer
                               Glenda Sheffield, Ed.D.

                                Chief Financial Officer
                            Heather Frederick Knust, CPA

                             Chief of Human Resources
                               Gonzalo La Cava, Ed.D.

                               Chief Operating Officer
                                      Wanda Paul

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