Page 31 - Superintendent Report 2021-22
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Charter Schools
The Department of Charter Schools authorizes, reviews, and renews the 49 Charter Schools in
Palm Beach County School District. These Charter Schools operate in all major geographic areas of
Palm Beach County, providing school choice to over 22,000 students in elementary, middle, high,
alternative, exceptional student education, and technical education settings.
Charter Schools are tuition-free public schools that operate under a performance contract or
“charter” agreement between a governing board and the local public school board. Charters are
independent public schools of choice that hire their teachers, design their academic programs, and
control their finances. They have more flexibility to provide a unique curriculum while remaining
accountable for advancing student achievement.
Under Florida Statute 1002.33, Charter Schools shall:
• Improve student learning and academic achievement;
• Increase learning opportunities for all students with special emphasis on low-performing
• Encourage the use of innovative learning outcomes; and
• Require the measurement of learning outcomes.
The School District of Palm Beach County is committed to sponsoring a system of high-quality
charter schools to provide students and families with school choice and innovation that promotes
educational excellence. The Department of Charter Schools operates under the core principles:
• Maintain high standards
• Uphold Charter School autonomy
• Protect student and public interests
The District recognizes Charter Schools as partners in providing choice for the students and families
of Palm Beach County.
Extended Learning (Afterschool Programming)
The Department of Extended Learning offers a variety of support to 93 elementary afterschool
programs, 39 Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant-funded programs, and 33
middle school afterschool programs. Extended Learning is committed to fostering safe, positive
activities for students to explore their interests and develop their talents.
K-5 Programs
Due to COVID-19, building the capacity of afterschool leaders in
District afterschool programs became critical to the operation
of programming for all 93 sites. The department developed and
presented leadership training to assistant directors, activity
leaders, and designated certified counselors of afterschool
programs to meet this challenge. The department offered the
Aspiring Afterschool Director’s Cohort for staff wanting to further
their career in afterschool. This is our fourth year providing in-
depth training to advance the careers of afterschool professionals.
Fifteen participants completed the FY22 cohort.
8/23/22 2:55 PM
Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd 31
Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd 31 8/23/22 2:55 PM