Page 61 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 61

Restorative Practices, a powerful approach to discipline, focus on repairing harm through inclusive processes that engage
        all stakeholders. The ultimate goal is to shift the focus of discipline from punishment to learning.

        Intervention Team Training Tier 2 and Tier 3 Behavior Supports
        The Department of Support Services, in conjunction with Safe & Civil Schools, provided District-wide intervention training
        for each school. This team training was structured to assist teams in developing systematic school and District-wide plans
        for implementing tier 2 and tier 3 supports for behavior.
        The team included school administrators, school-based leadership team members, school counselors, behavioral health
        professionals, and teachers.

        The training covered:
          •  Setting up efficient team processes for identifying students.
          •  Creating and implementing effective intervention plans.
          •  Implementing numerous evidence-based behavior interventions.

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