Page 62 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 62

Employee Wellness & Police Peer Support

        The Employee Wellness workgroup made great strides in improving communication procedures and employee access to
        mental health resources to increase awareness and support.

        The workgroup:
          •  Designed a new Voluntary Employee Networking Group (VENG), “Healthy Thinking & Healthy Living,” focusing on
             mental health support and resources.
          •  Developed a School Police Internal Peer Support Program, wherein six District officers were trained as peer support
             leaders. This internal program is offered alongside other resources available through District partners, community
             partners,  and  statewide  programs  specifically  geared  toward  first  responders.  The  opportunities  are  shared  with
             police officers via a flyer, video, and a wallet-size card (Figure 4 and 5).
          •  Launched the “Care and Connect” campaign to increase employee mental health resources. Posters were designed
             (Figure 6) and shared with every school and department to make employees aware of available resources. Employee
             “Care Cards” were introduced to show support and build a supportive workplace culture.
        Figure 4
        SDPBC Internal Peer Support Flyer

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