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                                            REVAMP PMO

                                            CENTER OF EXCELLENCE

                                                                                  The IT PMO summer interns
                    2023 EDITION                                                  are typically given a project to
                                                                                  manage during their time here,
                                                                                  helping them better understand the
                                                                                  concepts of Project Management
                                                                                  and the methodologies employed
                                                                                  to successfully plan, implement,
                                                                                  and close projects. This year, the
                                                                                  IT PMO interns, Daniella Salazar
                                        SDPBC                                     and Ethan Mangaroo, were tasked
                       PROJECT                  MANAGEMENT                        with cataloging the current Project
                                                                                  Management Center for Excellence,

                                      GUIDEBOOK                                   deployed by the IT PMO three years
                                                                                  ago, and using PM processes to
                                                                                  identify content that needed to be
                                                                                  updated, added or replaced. The
                                                                                  interns created an initiation document
                                                                                  and interviewed the Director and
                                                                                  Manager to understand project
                                                                                  requirements and expected outcomes.
                                                                                  The interns held a kick-off meeting,
                                                                                  complete with slides explaining the
                                                                                  benefits, project scope, stakeholders,
                                                                                  deliverables, risks, and schedule.
                                         District Strategic Initiative            Weekly meetings were scheduled to
                                          EDUCATE, AFFIRM, AND INSPIRE            gauge progress and included agendas
                                                                                  and follow-up meeting notes. By
                                           Supporting Strategic Theme D           creating an inventory Google Sheet,
                                             COMMITTED & IMPACTFUL EMPLOYEES      the interns were able to receive
                                                                                  guidance from the team on which
                                                                                  elements needed updating, to stay as-
                                                                                  is,  added, or retired. The suggestions
                                                                                  from the team went through a review
                                             and approval/modification process by the Director to arrive at the final list of
                                             suggested changes.

                                             Due to the short period of time the interns were here, we limited the scope
                                             to documenting the changes to be made - a subsequent phase is underway
                                             to implement the approved changes this fall. Changes include an updated
                                             Project Management Guidebook, adding Agile/Lean methodologies,
                                             converting many documents from MS Office to Google Workspace, and
                                             adding new project templates. We look forward to a relaunch of the Project
                                             Management Center for Excellence this fall with new and updated content
                                             -  this was only made possible by the dedication and hard work
                                               of our 2023 IT PMO Summer Interns!

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