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                                            DQS SURVEY


                                            Each year, the District surveys all principals to determine their satisfaction
                                            with the quality of services provided by District departments. The areas rated
                                            for each department are:

                                               1. There is a timely response to initial contact.
                                               2. Customer service is courteous and respectful.

                                               3. Our school’s input is considered as services are provided.

                                               4. Services are delivered in a timely manner.
                                               5. The guidance provided by this department is useful to our school.

                                               6. This department demonstrates professionalism.

                                            For FY23,180 principals were invited to provide input via the survey and 121
                                            (67.2%) responded, an increase in participation from the 58.8% recorded in
                                            FY22. Ratings for the above items were made by selecting from among five
                                            options: Always, Often, Sometimes, Never, and Don’t Know or N/A. Based on
                                            the percent of positive responses (ratings of Always or Often excluding Don’t
                                            Know or N/A), a letter grade is computed for each department using the scale:
                                               A = 90+

                                               B = 89-80

                                               C = 79-70
                                               D = 69-60

                                               F = 59 or below

                                            The IT Division has traditionally scored very high in these surveys and FY23
                                            was no exception. All IT departments surveyed received a letter grade of “A”,
                                            with scores between 97% - 99%. Those high ratings reflect the continuing
                                            hard work and dedication of IT Division personnel across the District, as well
                                            as the support schools receive daily.

                                            This also reflects a high level of knowledge, collaboration, and teamwork
                                            for the IT Division to consistently rank among the best in the District -
                                            congratulations and keep up the good work!

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