Page 11 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 11

Wellness Promotion Policy (2.035)

            Historical Timeline...

           4 Adoption - 5/12/2012
        •   Included the newly enacted of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
            – to expand the scope of the Wellness Promotion Policy.
        •   Included additional stakeholders in the development, implementation, and review.
        •   Required Public Updates.
        •   Referenced to other policies that impact Wellness to provide cohesiveness across the
            District and additional guidance, such as the newly adopted Tobacco Free Environment (7.19).
        •   Included wellness awareness on nutrition standards for snacks and physical activity in
            afterschool  programs.

           5 Adoption - 4/22/2015
        •   Required USDA Smart Snacks in Schools nutrition standards for all foods to
            includes vending machines.
        •   Required the establishment of Healthy School Teams to oversee compliance of
            Smart Snack legislation and the support of the policy.
        •   Added “academic achievement” under the goal of nutrition education.
        •   Added the integration of health, nutrition, and physical education topics into
            various traditional subjects in curriculum.
        •   Included the value of hydration, sun safety practices, relaxation and stress relieving techniques.
        •   Included opportunities for outside classrooms and school gardens; and incorporating
            these in the designs of new construction and the renovations of schools.
        •   Revised language regarding asbestos and included other environmental hazards, and
            referenced to other additional environmental stewardship policies such as: the Indoor Air Quality
            (7.195), Energy and Water Use Conservation (7.196),  Energy Conservation Incentive Program (7.1965),
            Waste Reduction, Materials Reuse, and Recycling (7.197), and Animals on District Property (7.24).

                                                “The two most powerful warriors are

                                                                           patience and time.”

                                                                            – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.

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